[h3]Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth, [/h3][i]and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck[/i] Aureia continued rotating the meat over the spit, carefully husbanding the food so that it wouldn’t burn from the open-air flame. Conveniently, the length of her golden spit meant that she didn’t even have to get her hands all that dirty with soot. The spike did get hot, though—it was gold, after all. But the goddess of gold didn’t care about the temperature of her gold. She did shoot a questioning look at the way Mori haphazardly roasted her own skewers, though. Sadly, when the meat was done, she didn’t have any plates to serve it on. Frankly, that was simply barbaric and uncivilized, but she really didn’t feel like remolding her golden spoke into a plate just for the occasion. Speaking of the occasion, something else besides them was speaking. Very strange. Well, if the others were hearing it was well, then she wasn’t going crazy from the smoke fumes, but she really didn’t know who this wild spirit was. She was the god of civilized things and concepts, after all, not of nature and barbarism. She shook her head at the water god’s question. “Well,” she decided to muse aloud in response, “We need to pass through the forest, and there are mortals in our party that need food to stay alive,” she replied in a matter-of-fact manner. “It’s not hard to put two-and-two together…”