[h1][b][i][color=aba400][center]Maximillian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/rmBRrwyf/image.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=aba400][b]Location[/b][/color]: Green Lagoon [color=aba400][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Basic Spellcraft, Conjuration[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596347699486261272/675191496856567839/tumblr_p9emi78Pdn1u8r3nho4_500.png]New Outfit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] For a moment Max was beginning to think his plan was only good for giving them all a headache. He'd always hated hearing Spirit Boxes on T.V., but hearing them in real life was somehow even more annoying. As the screeching began to die down to a lower pitch, Max leaned in closer waiting for it to work. But the warbler mess of static only continued afterwards, causing Max to droop his shoulders in disappointment. Just as he was about to give up and call it a day, a voice came in loud and clear. Max practically jumped out of his skin as the sound startled him just before entering back into a series of static sounds. [i][color=aba400]"It worked. It worked! Casper you brilliant idiot"[/color][/i] Whether or not Casper had chosen his hero name knowing that this device would actually function was unknown. But it did and that's all that mattered. The second word came in as the tail end of a sentence ended. Nothing to go by but it did tell them that Ben was struggling to use the device. Veil and he had the same idea, find a way to make this easier on Ben. Immediately Max hopped off his bed, placing the Spirit Box onto the center of the floor and clearing up some of his mess. He threw his bundled shirt over a stack of books that lay on the ground, shoving them all under his bed before his hands began to conduct a small symphony of magic. Marigold petals and flowers began to sprinkle in a circle onto the ground surrounding the box. In an inner ring, scented candles began to appear, each one flickering to life as the smell of French vanilla peppered the air. Max shut off the light to his room allowing for it to only be candlelit before adding the final offering. Max had it under very good advice that McDonalds was the go to way to contact ghosts. After all, it was the way of the ghost king and why would that be a lie? OK plenty of reasons why but that didn't stop Max from trying. He summoned Happy Meals, Double Cheeseburgers, Big Macs, and Quarter Pounders, Chicken Nuggets, and an array of sodas from McDonalds. All placed in the center surrounding the box that he needed Ben to speak through. [Color=aba400]"I give this offering of food to you Ben, so that you may contact us with ease. May it find you in your realm."[/color] [h1][b][i][color=E610B8][center]Echo[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/9FWbx1tc/image.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=E610B8][b]Location[/b][/color]: Green Lagoon [color=E610B8][b]Skills[/b][/color]:[/center][hr][hr] Harry gave Sunshine a crooked half-smile. Chuckling a bit as he spoke about flatscan names. [Color=E610B8]"I suppose most flatscan names [i]are[/i] dumb."[/color] He didn't expect her to ever take back what she'd already said. She was a strong headed individual and a teen besides. If [i]ever[/i] they were to admit their faults the world would freeze over…again. The chemistry between Sunshine and Marrow was a refreshing change of pace. The way they lovingly teased each other back and forth, how natural each one felt around the other, it was a familiar sentiment that Harry could understand. Of course to counteract their relationship, there was David. He had no recollection of how he got to looking like such a mess, nor did he apparently recall the last time they'd seen each other. Harry let out a bit of a concerned sigh at the news, a little more than confused at David's last known day. [Color=E610B8]"Well, let's see. I last saw you about three days ago, where you in fact [i]didn't[/i] look like this. As for what day it is…"[/color] Harry couldn't tell if David was on the right day, or a week behind, trying to study his face as if they could give him some answers. [Color=E610B8]"Today [i]is[/i] Tuesday. More specifically August 3rd. Hopefully you haven't lost a week, but if you have I'm sure we could find it and figure out why you're so banged up."[/color]