[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aiSHAkK.png[/img] The problem with going to a game center by yourself is that eventually you got bored with no one to talk to or play against or to celebrate winnings with; some people could play for hours by themselves and have a fine time of it. Hoshiko managed three songs on the Tatsujin machine before she was bored out of her mind. It was like when she went to a karaoke place by herself and paid for an hour; after seven minutes she wound up taking a nap on the couch because it was somehow more enjoyable than singing for an imaginary audience of her peers. It was because of that boredom that Hoshiko once again found herself out on the streets with nothing to do. Rain really did mess everything up. All she wanted to do was run around, throw the ball around, and then go grab a burger and a cola and find some reason to not do her homework. Was that so much to ask? The first year slid a coin into a vending machine and cracked open the milk tea can. Three long sips later and she was placing it in the receptacle next to the machines and was still no closer to figuring out what to do with the rest of her day. Sure, she could just go home, but then her aunt would just constantly ask her to do homework and to not watch anime or dramas or baseball highlights - or worse, ask Hoshiko to help in the kitchen. The fact that it was still raining made Hoshiko sigh, stick her hand out, and feel the drops on her palm. She didn't mind getting wet but everyone around her would act like it was the end of the world. She heard from her brother that people in America just live in places where it rains most days of the year. Hoshiko couldn't imagine it, but only because it meant that their sports teams had to be all indoor and that almost defeated the purpose. There was plenty to do the problem is she had no one to do them with. Her slightly rain-wet hand dug her phone from her pocket and tapped away at the lock screen. Zero messages across any apps. Not even so much as a notification for a game. Still, the phone made for a decent enough distraction; if it wasn't raining she might have even just fiddled around with it while she walked but instead she put it back in a pocket and had her hands join the phone there. She envied those who had indoor clubs today. She envied a lot of people, including those who remembered an umbrella. All she could do was walk with her head up - but not too up that the rain dropped into her eyes. Where was she going? Nowhere special. Nowhere in particular. Nowhere at all. She'd know when she got there. But for now, Hoshiko was walking, wandering, hands in the pocket, baseball cap mercifully keeping the rain from hitting her face. [color=FFDB58]"I shoulda just stayed at school! Ugh, I can't believe I said that..."[/color][/center]