[quote=@PrinceAlexus] So... Princess Vana has a Prince with potentially more makenup and clothes than her as a room mate. Her virtue might be safe... Well what's left of it... Least until she meets Gretta lol [@Hayazowe] we all make such great roommates :) [/quote] I... cannot say anything towards this as Gretta is a hoe. Though I feel like Vana and Pascal's Dorm is gonna be the place to be! Oh and as for the question posed by Gisk Gretta definitely sleeps naked! So [@Hayazo] I hope Saiten is okay with that! xD [@PrinceAlexus] As for your wolf I don't care too much what the size is have fun! ^_^ [@Gisk] Also astute observation! I absolutely adore Star and Cursed princess club but I'm unfamiliar with the third! [@Hayazo][@Slypheed] Oh and you forgot Press F to dig own grave! Gotta remember that one! Because there's a 10 percent chance you survive and you gotta be mindful of your roomies!