Hello! This is the character I would like to put up for review. [hider= Ingrid Penderson] [center][h2][u] Ingrid Penderson [/u][/h2] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597506252599328805/963928277406347264/unknown.png[/img][/center] [b][center] Explosions are cool, right? [/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 18 | Female | Eskandish | Nobility | 8.4 [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Eager] ❖ [Nerdy] ❖ [Inventive] ❖ [Idealistic] ❖ [Selfish][/indent] [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] Ingrid normally favors more functional clothing as she has traveled from one mine to the next for most of her childhood. If Ingrid were to attend one of the many high society events you would find her wearing some of the latest trends procured for her by her mother. Although Ingrid's vision is well suited for daily life, her eyes begin to strain when she tries to perform more administrative tasks. She corrects this through glasses. She has quite a few burn small burn scars from her training in magic. Ingrid has a habit of dragging her hand as she wrote and it has given her some odd callouses on her dominant hand that is not there on her non-dominant hand. Ingrid rarely adorns herself with accessories, instead preferring just her glasses [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Ingrid is a native speaker of Eskandish. She is fluent in Avincian and Perrench. She is partially fluent in Belzaggic and lastly only literate in Torragonese. The Penderson family is very keen to make sure their family is fluent in many languages to keep a strong relationship with all their business partners. Ingrid believes that in a few years she will forget most of them. [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Ingrid was trained in chemical and arcane by her family to more effectively mine using explosions. Along with some specific kinetics spells to more effectively boreholes into the stone for more controlled blasting. She has an in-depth knowledge of material science and how they interact with high explosions, allowing her to use explosions with a high degree of precision. Ingrid's RAS was a terrifying 8.4, the highest that has ever been recorded in their family. She uses her Chemical magic to enhance the reactions needed for her explosions. And is currently looking at how to turn mundane things like burning bread into a large-scale explosion. However, the efficiency of the transfer is too low for her liking. As promised to her father, she is interested in developing better magic for the sole purpose of mining so things like enhanced surveying ability, mineral analysis, and so on are on her list of requirements. The pursuit of the best explosions is still her main aspiration She has little training using her magic outside of pure demonstration and industrial purposes. Because of the spells, she works with she is very methodical with the casting of it to not blow herself up. Casting under pressure could prove damaging if not adequately prepared for the increased pressure She has started to study Atomic magic and right now is engrossed in it as she sees this as the definitive next step in her development. Ingrid was well aware of how dangerous atomic magic could be and is working first on making defensive spells before even starting her dive into deep Arcane. Ingrid's current academic pursuits at the academy are Arcane, Chemical, and Atomic. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Ingrid's house was very constricting for her. Her life was not to become a person but to further the wealth of the family and that painted most of Ingrid's interaction with her family. The overbearing nature of her family was comforting to her as a young child when she was unable to discern her family's intentions. By her 8th year, Ingris developed enough that she could see the motives at play. Her family was obsessed with money and her training and careful cultivation were just the byproducts of it. She had believed this was the normal way that nobles acted, they sacrificed themselves for prosperity, and for most of her short life, she found a strong sense of pride in working hard for her family even if it cost her the seldom personality she had. The parties were a bore and nothing more than networking. Ingrid would lie about escapades as her mother instructed her to gain trust and friendship and use it to gain favorable deals. Everyone did this in her family, from her siblings to her dear grandfather. Anything to make sure that they were never hungry, never cold, to never beg again. And the more you could do the better the praise from your own family. It was the only reinforcement that she could get as they were the only ones that held space in her world. With that praise came gifts. Ingrid was able to study as much as long as she liked if she could continue to perform. Even her rebellious phase was turned into a race against her sibling and cousins to gain even more favor. She couldn't keep up with them and was sent to some of the mines in the coldest parts of Eskand. There she would botch a controlled explosion sending a ball of flame up the tube nearly killing herself and the 2 workers. The fear she felt quickly gave to uncontrollable glee as Ingrid couldn't stop laughing. When she went back to her quarters she couldn't help but reimagine the explosion, not what went wrong but the beautiful fragmentation of stone and bubble of expanding flame that had almost consumed her life. She was sent back to the main house to explain herself and her family grew worried. Ingrid was no longer obedient and unwaveringly calm. She was smiling and was going into exquisite detail about how she almost killed herself. Her father had her stay home and study believing the near-death experience had damaged her mind. During this time she realized that mining was such a drag and that she wanted to study. Sadly the school could be a bit expensive so she needed a proposal to convince her grandfather. Over the 2 years, she wrote to correspondents at the mines and did a comprehensive study on the inefficiencies, and created potential prospects to increase revenue that would all hinge on sending her to the academy. Her grandfather liked the intense drive he saw in Ingrid and decide to fund her schooling in exchange for the research and development of even better mining techniques or anything else they could do with their connections. As long as it made money. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] Ingrid hopes that through her time at school she can develop her magic to even further heights. To study under the tutelage of masters of magic. All of it. Ingrid also hopes to actually have a life that when she writes her story it will inspire people to live as freely as she wants to. Although Ingrid believes that she will be able to complete her goals, there is a part of her that creeps into her mind when she has difficulty that she will fail and not even her family will take her in. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] Ingrid does not pack light. He dormitory is full of some of her personal journals and studying materials. Along with a few non-educational books hidden among the textbooks. Dozens of rock and mineral samples. Along with tons of maps and a complicated ledger of the families operations, her location makes it convenient instead of sending everything down to Eskand Ingrid brought quite a few different sets of clothes for different events. Most of the time you will find her in the same outfit, something that is not likely to spontaneously combust and is good for movement. She has some rare metals for study and varieties of coal and black powder. And lastly, in a lead box, she has 5kg of Uranium and 2kg of depleted Uranium. The box is tripled layered in lead. Cash: 25 Neskal[5 of each material] 40 Corona 40 Couronne 350 Konge [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Ingrid is a skilled liar from her years of studying and putting them into action at parties. ❖ Ingrid was trained to assess value and can analyze the potential value of items, land, and even contracts given enough time depending on what it is. ❖ Ingrid has an enhanced ability to perceive things in a 3d space and can accurately portray that on maps and relay it to people. ❖ Ingrid is able to do a perfect bow/curtsey. ❖ Ingrid has spent most of her free time studying. Giving her a wide grasp on many studies and lots of random information. ❖ Ingrid considers herself to be a pretty good cook [/indent] [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Ingrid has difficulty believing simple motives despite hers being simple as well. ❖ Although she wishes to be more independent, she struggles to make moves against people she perceives as above her in standing. ❖ Although Ingrid is fairly intelligent, she almost forcibly ignores how her family became so wealthy and who that wealth truly cost. ❖ Ingrid had adapted to her more solitary lifestyle and becomes easily exhausted from moderate levels of activity. ❖ Ingrid grew up not having very many friends or anyone who confided in her. She is woefully unprepared to be a genuine person that she wants to be. ❖ Ingrid ties her sense of self-worth to her accomplishments and the praise of others. Too much opposition and failure could make her crumble [/indent] [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] [hider=Grandfather's Story] Coming soon. Essentially how her family got to where she is [/hider] [/hider]