[center][h1][color=00aeef][b]Kazumin Nagasa[/b][/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/932Aib1.png[/img [/img] Currently wearing: Caesonian traditional formal wear [hider][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/953090004584890368/953102552520589322/a450f6d37e47f5d4e24eb22a17d81539.png [/img][/hider] (Minus the gloves and cape) Location- Dining tables Interactions- [@Rodiak] Zarai [/center] [hr] Even after having left the group behind and that unpleasant chill, Kazu still found himself unable to shake off the cold sensation causing him to shudder. He rubbed at his shoulders trying to warm up and rid himself of this icy phantom."[color=00aeef] Jeeze...I could swear someone wants me dead or something.[/color]" And with the way those two were treating him so coldly; such suspicions seemed highly plausible though what he was feeling now seemed worse than what that prince was giving off. " [color=00aeef]I'm going to catch a cold at this rate. I think it's high time I returned to the food and get something hot in my belly.[/color]" The mention of food had his belly rumbling in turn; a clear answer to the suggestion made to himself. Eating might also do well to help get his mind off things as the night has been quite the strange one for the blonde farmer. Having his story rejected by the sultan and being reunited with an old friend thought dead and he even wound-up dancing with a princess, if one could call twirling around like children dancing. Only for it to end with earning the bone chilling ire of her brother and that companion of his. Then there was the incident he wanted to forget; how he wished he could go find the girl and apologize for... well, he had no idea what exactly but it did not matter whatever he did for he owed an apology regardless. Gods, now he was beginning to sink back into depression and after Ani went out of her way to cheer him up and now his mind was reeling with the fact a princess bothered to pay a nobody like him any attention. It was at that moment that he took notice of a servant carrying a tray with empty glasses and an unopened bottle of wine, likely to go around offering refreshments. Unfortunate for this servant, they found themselves in the line of a thirsty predator who, without warning dashed by swiping the bottle from the tray with fingers so nimble the tray barely shifted as he passed by. Spinning on the spot with a pop of the bottle." [color=00aeef]The hunt has been successful and I bid you my thanks and apologies.[/color]" Continuing to walk backwards as he carried on with a respectful toast towards the bewildered staff." [color=00aeef]But alas, tis I who needs this most wondrous elixir to soothe this woeful heart of mine at this time.[/color]" Giving a salute while downing a big gulp or two of the bottle; using the servant's confusion to slip away towards the dining tables. Unfortunately, Kazu had done so walking backwards and still laughing at his expertly crafted bit of thievery when he suddenly felt his back struck against something. He came to a stop with a grunt, but before he could do anything would see grapes falling around him, some bouncing off his head." [color=00aeef]Grape rain...never seen that kind of weather before.[/color]" He said aloud to himself and came close to laughing had he not noticed the presence behind him, turning halfway to take notice of the young lady he bumped into."[color=00aeef] Oh, sorry about that miss.... guess my mind is a bit more scattered than I...[/color]" Trailing off upon taking notice of that expression on her face which made Crystal's distraught face and tear filled eyes flashed in his head. *[color=82ca9d]Oh sugar honey iced tea?![/color]* The words screamed in his mind; eyes wide as he began panicking and fretting. He already made one lady cry tonight, were he to do it again then he might as well just save everyone and himself the trouble and just dive off the balcony right then. His eyes were searching all around as he frantically scrambled to think of something, anything to stop the unknown woman from crying and were he not holding the bottle, his arms would be flailing about. He soon saw the grapes littering the floor around them and in his frenzied mind a most laughable idea came to mind, but right now it was the only one. Kazu quickly placed the bottle down on the nearest table then held out his hands in a hold it motion."[color=00aeef] Wait! Before you say or do anything please humor me.[/color]" Asking his request with a weak laugh then moved down to scoop up as many fallen grapes his hands could hold."[color=00aeef] First and foremost, I offer my apologies and will gladly get you some more grapes or whatever food you desire but before I do so. It is only right I give these grapes a use so they're not wholly wasted.[/color]" Nodding his head rapidly, eyes still wide in disbelief at this whole ordeal or what he was about to do and started juggling the grapes. Juggling one then a second was added then another and another until juggling 10 or 12? Eventually moving frantically in order to keep the momentum going. An almost impressive feat that he juggled for as long as he did, but trying to do so with grapes which are both quite small and slippery meant it was only a matter of time till they were falling and tumbling all over him. By the time it was over Kazu was left standing there blinking stupidly and uncertain of what to do next except finish this off like as a performer should. Lifting his arms up to give a little half-hearted jazz hands shake." [color=00aeef]Um....tada?[/color]" The cowlicked blonde started to feel as if he simply could not win this night.