“I just want to be done with fighting, that’s all.” Kaleeth replied, turning her head away. “Learning to fight was all I wanted, growing up. To be the kind of hunter that would make my father proud, but…it feels like it’s been a lifetime of fighting for me. I’m glad it can be over now.” Kaleeth was quick to change the subject. For whatever reason, she did not seem too keen on talking about her injury. Instead, she looked over again to Janius and took his hand. “I think Julan will be glad it’s over too. Maybe…we’ll have time now to go visit some of those places he has wanted to see?” If Kaleeth was not intent on dwelling on what she had lost, Ahnasha supposed she could move on from it at the moment as well. Perhaps at the moment, it was best to focus on what was ahead of them, rather than what had already come to pass. While Kaleeth seemed content to simply rest and spend time with Janius, Ahnasha nudged Fendros to leave with her and give them their space. “I know there’s more we’re going to need to do. Like Saras said, our people are going to need their Champion. They’re going to need you. We…well we [i]did[/i] win. The battle, the war, everything. We stripped Vile of all the power he stole, and he won’t be able to threaten Mundus for centuries. And we all lost a lot in the process. I’m sure nearly every single one of them out there did, just like us. And they’re going to want to hear all of this from you so…I hope you’re ready to give speeches.” Ahnasha grinned, though it was fleeting, only to be replaced with a frown. “Do you think we should go talk to Sabine now, though? I wish we didn’t have to put that on her so soon. I know she’s going to be taking Meesei’s death hard, probably more than any of us. But…if we don’t tell her about Do’rhajul, she’ll just end up learning about it from someone else. Or figuring it out on her own.”