[img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjcwMDkwOS5SbUZpYkdVLjI/beyond-wonderland.regular.webp[/img] [i][b][color=7F2A3C]"Almost forgot something!"[/color][/b][/i] [color=gray][i]Current Location: The Nerine Vista[/i][/color] There was still one thing Fable had to address. Before the failed operation he eventually shrugged off, the boy had suggested he and Klava head to the Nerine Vista afterwards. With what happened after [i]that[/i], he wondered, was she still up for it? Probably needed the break. Probably will get rejected or something. But hey, couldn't hurt worse to ask her. [color=Goldenrod]Timekeeper: Hey! Uh Timekeeper: You still up for Nerine-what'sit? Timekeeper: I get it if last mission soured your appebtite and what not, but just wanted to ask![/color] [color=6ecff6]Maiden: Sister busy?[/color] [color=goldenrod]Timekeeper: Couldn't make it.[/color] [color=6ecff6]Maiden: Well, what time then, kiddo?[/color] The boy quickly checked the time. [color=goldenrod]Timekeeper: 1:30??[/color] [color=6ecff6]Maiden: Don't keep me waiting then~[/color] [hr] After a while, Fable rode up to the restaurant, arriving a few minutes early. Once he found a place to park his bike, he walked over and leaned against the wall by the front door. Nerine Vista. Did he come here before? He faintly shook his head. It took a bit to find the place in general, wouldn't make sense otherwise. The boy idly scrolled through Shimr as he waited for Klava. In all honesty, it kinda felt wrong to use the site now. But he didn't have much alternatives to communicate besides passing his phone number to acquaintances. [color=6ecff6]“Yo.”[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Hm?"[/color] The wind carried with it the smell of sandalwood and honey, and a light touch tapped the boy’s shoulder. A woman, turquoise eyes bright, smiled at him with painted lips. Klava had certainly dressed for the occasion. A black dress, full-sleeved and knee-length, flowed with every step, while the ringed belt that hugged her waist created an appealing, but not shameless, silhouette. She had opted for a mono-color theme, accentuated only by the glimmer of metal on her belt and on her purse’s clasps, and her heels improved her stature by three inches. A watch, a Bulova Marine Star, hung from her wrist, and she turned it to face her, eyes cast down slightly. [color=6ecff6]“Didn’t keep you waiting then,”[/color] were the words that followed. [color=6ecff6]“Keep bending your neck like that and you’ll become a hunchback, Fable.”[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Ah, s-sorry."[/color] The boy straightened his posture back up as he pocketed his phone. He looked Klava over, and couldn't help but chuckle. [color=7F2A3C]"Kinda feeling trumped attire wise now. You look nice!"[/color] Fable himself didn't pay as much mind to detail as she did. He had ditched his usual hoodie in favor of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/74/ad/af/74adaf5b4fe90b01e807752ce37e3dbc.jpg] a dress shirt and red tie.[/url] He stepped over to the door, and pushed it open, holding it for the woman to head inside first. [color=7F2A3C]"After you."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"That's sweet of you,"[/color] Klava said, stepping in. The Nerine Vista had been an establishment catering more towards fancy dinners, but its afternoon selection was quite prominent as well. In a modern, chic setting, executives talked to high-profile clients over delicately-designed plates, while waiters and waitresses navigated the well-spaced tables and booths with a silent grace. Though Pax Septimus was a city of blood and sin, vice and crime in every corner, the managers of the Nerine Vista could, if nothing else, create a veneer of a safer place. The bulletproof windows helped too. And after much ado with the waitress that took their reservation and lead them to a table overlooking a silver of a park, Klava sat down, her purse hanging from a hook beneath the table. It was a good place. Cool tables, comfortable seating, and the faintest of music in the background. Each party separated far enough that one could speak normally and still be heard. A different vibe from her usual haunts then. [color=6ecff6]"Well, I hope the Mavericks haven't been sending you hate mail?"[/color] Fable snorted as he took his seat. [color=7F2A3C]"As if painting a target on your back for GEMINI's any better!"[/color] He said, shaking his head. [color=7F2A3C]"But nah, they haven't been harassing me about ditching them as far as I know. Kinda been worried about that amongst...other things."[/color] He grimaced for a second. [color=6ecff6]"They're not going to take any action against you,"[/color] Klava said. In the end, the reward that they got functioned more or less as a meal ticket based off a promotional event for the restaurant's anniversary, so there wasn't any need to make any orders. The waitress came over with a bottle of white wine though, and the half-Russian woman nodded in response. [color=6ecff6]"Though they won't necessarily need to either. A Freelancer's reputation is founded in their reliability. You understand, yes?"[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"I guess so."[/color] The boy let his elbows rest on the table. [color=7F2A3C]"But I want to avoid being seen as an enemy by [i]both[/i] parties as long as I am able, even if my view of the Gems got soured."[/color] He explained with a slight frown. Klava shrugged. [color=6ecff6]"Don't take jobs from either of them. That's all you gotta do. Still, you're coping better than I thought. Figured out what you're gonna do with Betty?"[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Easier said than done."[/color] He said, idly looking out the window. When Klava mentioned Betty, Fable's frown returned. [color=7F2A3C]"I have to keep looking. I can't give up until I know she's okay, or until it's confirmed she's dead. I know that's a grim line of thought, and I know how I acted back there, but..."[/color] He sighed. [color=7F2A3C]"Judging by the reactions and behavior of Justin's hires, Betty seems to be a higher ranking servant than they were. Bodyguard perhaps. With how she kicked my ass, and the fact that he escaped [i]with[/i] her makes it more likely. But [i]when[/i] did she become an esper? Doc told me an esper can resist being turned into a thrall, but as far as I know, she was still human at the time. So if she became an esper [i]whilst[/i] being a thrall..."[/color] the boy rambled on, his expression then turned to faint dread. [color=7F2A3C]"...I don't want to know."[/color] Fable pushed his bangs back. [color=7F2A3C]"There's gotta be another way to go about this."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Yeah, there is."[/color] The waitress brought the appetizers over, a meticulously crafted salad designed to invoke the landscape of Scandavanian tundras, but Klava paid it no great regard as she leaned forward, her eyes dead serious. [color=6ecff6]"Join GEMINI. I don't trust them on principle, but the government's got more sources if you want to find someone, and you've already alienated the Mavericks anyhow. They'll track Justin, and Betty's likely with Justin. If you're with the GEMs, you can influence how they approach the handling of a [i]depraved[/i] esper."[/color] His eyebrows rose. [color=7F2A3C]"You think?"[/color] His eyes darted to the salad, which he gently shoved over to himself to grab some. [color=7F2A3C]"Don't know if they'll let a thirteen-year-old nimrod in easily, but you really think I can sway them into [i]not[/i] instantly resorting to a shootout?"[/color] Fable asked. His brows then furrowed in thought. [color=7F2A3C]"I [i]have[/i] been researching, well, about all this in my freetime though. Maybe that could give me some leverage in."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"You're new to the business, but I get the sense that almost all the rest of them are as well."[/color] Klava sipped at her wine glass, then tried a lichen-like vegetable, eyebrows lifting at the surprising texture and flavour. [color=6ecff6]"Make your case as a collaborator if you can't make one as an official agent. They're more likely to listen to an ally than an enemy, after all. Simple stuff, if you can stomach it."[/color] She smiled to herself. The Nerine Vista's chefs had good taste, and this being free made it taste even better. [color=6ecff6]"What research though?"[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Just stuff pertaining to the whole Esper thing. Monsters, Magi, Mana, things I feel like I should make note of for future reference.[/color] Fable shrugged. He was tempted to add "Multiverse" in the list, but to him, that was another thing to tackle entirely. He took a few bites of the salad. Her brows raised again, this time in a questioning matter. [color=6ecff6]"And that brings leverage how?"[/color] The boy paused for a moment, then shook his head. [color=7F2A3C]"...Hell if I know, man."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Pfft."[/color] Klava closed her eyes, tossed her hair to the side and leveled a dazzling smile towards the young boy. [color=6ecff6]"Is that how you ought to be addressing a lady like me?"[/color] Fable snorted, playfully rolling his eyes with a smile in return. [color=7F2A3C]"Oh really now?"[/color] He brought a fist over his mouth and cleared his throat. [color=7F2A3C]"Forgive me, my dear. It seems further ideas for a better chance in joining ranks with G.E.M.I.N.I. have slipped my mind. Is that better?"[/color] He smirked, which then turned to concern with his next question. [color=7F2A3C]"But what about you? They probably think you're a part of Maverick now. If I join them, I'd be forced to fight you if we run into each other during operations, wouldn't I?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Your consideration for me is truly heart-warming, dear,"[/color] Klava replied, adopting her own rendition of a hoity-toity aristocrat's tone. [color=6ecff6]"But I am generous enough of a soul to forgive you if you just stayed in the back and supported your colleagues. And of course, it goes without saying..."[/color] The main course was here, a sizzling quail with three separate homemade sauces drawn upon the plate in a rendition of the currents of the wind. [color=6ecff6]"...if we run into each other while alone, well, we did not."[/color] Well, if she thinks it'll be fine. Fable nodded. [color=7F2A3C]"Alright then, I'll trust this won't go sideways."[/color] He said. Then his attention turned to the main course, and his eyebrows rose. That...actually look good. He took a moment to try a bit of quail. ...And maybe a bit more wouldn't hurt. [color=7F2A3C]"By the way, when we were fighting Jan in that weird dream realm, you didn't see anything weird, did you? Even outside imps and bog men?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Hm? Nothing worth remembering,"[/color] was Klava's response. [color=6ecff6]"Apollo did anything weird to you after?"[/color] Fable's face comically blanked out. His then brows furrowed in confusion. [color=7F2A3C]"Wh- What the hell's that gotta do with the job??? No. I'm just wondering why fucking [i]Chernobog[/i] of all things decided to pop in and try to kill me during that."[/color] He could've simply shrugged it off as a part of Jan's minions, but he still wanted to find [i]some[/i] explanation for the demon's appearance. [color=6ecff6]"Oh, the demon?"[/color] She shrugged, more focused on dissecting her quail into bite-sized bits. [color=6ecff6]"Figured that it was just an illusion. If Jan could [i]actually[/i] bring monsters from the elemental chaos straight to here, she wouldn't be playing sixth fiddle to Justin."[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Didn't say it wasn't one."[/color] The boy paused to eat. [color=7F2A3C]"Illusions or not, we killed her before we could find out if her summons can apply to the real world too. And frankly? Probably for the best. Chernobog dissapeared with the rest of the dreamscape, but..."[/color] He went silent once he realized something. [color=7F2A3C]"God, what am I saying? This is supposed to be a break and yet I still have work on the brain."[/color] He laughed it off. [color=7F2A3C]"Forgive me for that, for real this time! Wanna focus on something else?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"No no,"[/color] she shook her head. [color=6ecff6]"Finish that thought first."[/color] Fable's smile faded back to a neutral expression. [color=7F2A3C]"...I've a bad feeling about it. It's been bugging me for a while and I don't know why. Like, was it a premonition taken form, or am I just going insane here? Dreams usually involve stuff like the human psyche, memories and fears, all that mess. But if Jan was able to use that stuff against us in the dreamscape? Plus the fact that Chernobog appeared as soon as I got knocked in from reality?"[/color] He rambled on, scratching his head. [color=7F2A3C]"I dunno, maybe I'm overthinking this."[/color] Klava leaned in. [color=6ecff6]"You believe the demon was pulled from your mind?"[/color] He pushed his plate aside and let his elbows rest on the table. [color=7F2A3C]"It's the most likely scenario I can think of, unfortunately."[/color] He frowned slightly. [color=6ecff6]"Well, let's Google that shit then,"[/color] she said. Within moments, Klava's smartphone was out, connecting to the Nerine Vista's free wi-fi and doing a quick Google search. Clicking on the first hit she got, she read out, [color=6ecff6]"Demons appearing in our dreams are...yada yada...temptation, where buried impulses blah blah...or hugely conflicted, or something in your waking life is wrong or unnatural."[/color] Klava looked back up. [color=6ecff6]"Sound familiar?"[/color] The description she looked up didn't help the boy's anxiety. [color=7F2A3C]"No temptations, or burried impulses that I'm aware of..."[/color] He noted off. [color=7F2A3C]"Must be one of the other two."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Well of course it wouldn't be something you're aware of,"[/color] she laughed. [color=6ecff6]"Dream demons are subconscious symbols, after all. Though on that topic, monsters are chaos-orientated anyhow. They took something that existed beforehand, and made it worse."[/color] Klava nodded to herself, then resumed each. [color=6ecff6]"And you [i]were[/i] conflicted about the Betty situation, weren't you?"[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"I-"[/color] Fable's frown twisted into another grimace. He nodded. [Color=7F2A3C]"Good point."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"So nothing to worry about then! Jan's dead and dreams are just dreams. More importantly, do you even [i]go[/i] to school?"[/color] He rose a brow. [i]Now[/i] she's changing the subject? [color=7F2A3C]"Yeah, why?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Just making sure you're not a trust fund baby or anything."[/color] A smirk. [color=6ecff6]"Y'know, playboy billionaire with nothing better to do than to invite older women on dates and risk life and limb for monster hunts? Got any aspirations beyond this, Fable?"[/color] Well, at this point, Fable didn't know whether or not he should panic. Was she catching onto him? Did he let his guard down too much? Did he not react to the quail as strongly as the next guy? Or was she just making a reference? [color=7F2A3C]"Pfft. Add in a butler and a tech guy and that sounds like I could be the next Batman."[/color] He joked in spite of his internal screaming. [color=7F2A3C]"Nah, I feel like I'm more similar to Spiderman. Just a kid wanting to do some good for his home and [i]NOT[/i] a playboy. Dunno where you got that impression from..."[/color] he gave her an unamused look. [Color=7F2A3C]"But yes, I've picked up the odd hobby or two."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"You're Pax Sept born n raised?"[/color] Fable nodded. [color=7F2A3C]"Lived in Pax for most of my life. Parents moved here when my sister Lydia was young."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Spiderman, but rich? Truly an ideal combination."[/color] Klava chuckled. [color=6ecff6]"What does your sister do anyways? Family business?"[/color] Ah. So she did catch on. Maybe he wasn't as good of [s]a bullshitter[/s] an actor as he thought. ...Eh, what the hell. [color=7F2A3C]"Weird way to nutshell it but, hah, I really don't think I'm as cool as Batman..."[/color] The boy scratched the back of his neck. [color=7F2A3C]"And yeah, basically. She's kinda preparing to inherit the family buisness in case something happened."[/color] He explained. [color=6ecff6]"Hm?"[/color] What, was Fable mafia now? That would be a funny one, for sure. Klava settled back down to eat, spending a few minutes to enjoy the flavors and digest the information. The quail, sauteed to perfection with some herb butter, was a delight once it had cooled down a bit, and the small salad on the side helped to cleanse the palate as well. A sumptuous little meal, to be certain, and there was word that dessert would be just as fantastic. [color=6ecff6]"Where does that leave you then? I'd figure you'd be able to get into any career you'd want, so what's your passion?"[/color] She pointed her fork at him. [color=6ecff6]"Or are you going full-time like Elroy?"[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Investigation mostly. [sub]If I had a dollar for every time I told someone that...[/sub]"[/color] Fable said. [color=7F2A3C]"But there's also stuff like science or the arts if that goes south. Been trying to learn an instrument or two during freetime. Or I could open a goddamn sweets shop for the hell of it in the future, who knows?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Investigation? Yeesh, what're you, a data scientist?"[/color] Klava laughed. With what he said he was leaning towards, working for the GEMs really would be a good choice for him. [color=6ecff6]"Well, doesn't really matter in the end. Just make sure to go [i]really[/i] hard on something once you decide to do it, yeah? Half-assing it is the best way to kill your interest in it."[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Atleast [i]some[/i] sort of scientist. But yeah, I get it."[/color] The boy shrugged with a smile. [color=6ecff6]"Good."[/color] Klava nodded, then cringed and placed a hand against her face. [color=6ecff6]"Christ, I really [i]am[/i] getting old."[/color] Fable giggled. [color=7F2A3C]"With age comes wisdom, right? Best not to worry about getting old and just...live, or something."[/color] He told Klava. [color=7F2A3C]"I dunno, I'm not that great with cheesy motivational lines."[/color] He added in a joking manner, puffing a cheek out. [color=6ecff6]"Yeah, you'll make for the most insufferable dad if you're getting started this early."[/color] Klava flicked a strand of hair out of her face and allowed the waitress to replace their empty dishes with the dessert: a coffee-infused panna cotta with a yuzu sauce to give it a brighter bite, sprinkled with diced peaches and with a leaf of mint atop. She pulled out her phone by reflex and snapped a picture. [color=6ecff6]"Quite nice."[/color] Soon as the dessert arrived, Fable's eyes lit up. While Klava took a moment to snap a pic of [i]her[/i] panna cotta, he went ahead and began eating his. [color=7F2A3C]"We should head out more often."[/color] He said as soon as his mouth wasn't full. Gotta keep table manners in mind here. [color=7F2A3C]"I can pay next time!"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Go pay for a gym membership instead,"[/color] Klava grinned, before taking a small bite of her own. Yes, quite divine. She'd have to take it slow. [color=6ecff6]"You're too scrawny to even be a snack right now, Fable. Though I appreciate the gesture."[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Right, right, I'll keep that in mi- Wait, [i]a snack[/i]??"[/color] He looked at Klava with mild confusion. Klava flashed her teeth but provided no further clarification, instead turning her phone towards him. [color=6ecff6]"Let's swap contact info while we can. I'll keep you updated on what I find out if you do the same, yeah?"[/color] Fable's eyes widened. [color=7F2A3C]"Oh yeah, that! Was meaning to ask!"[/color] He grabbed his phone to add Klava's number to his contacts. [color=7F2A3C]"Since Shimr can [sub]unfortunately[/sub] be accessed by our adversaries, I'm hoping this'll be a better alternative to talk and all. Aaaand there we go!"[/color] He sent a small text to confirm that it went through. Klava gave him a thumbs up. In real life, of course. [color=6ecff6]"Well, enough chatting on my end. You got any questions before I finish this and bounce, kiddo?"[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Dunno. Got any hobbies yourself?"[/color] He asked. [color=6ecff6]"Sheesh,"[/color] Klava said. [color=6ecff6]"Way to show how interested you are in me."[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"I-I mean, what else do you want me to ask? If you had any siblings of your own? If you have a job outside of being the Maiden? What your favorite color is?"[/color] Fable rose a brow. [color=7F2A3C]"Guess I just like to naturally get to know people over time."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"I dunno,"[/color] Klava shot back, though there was some mirth in her eyes, [color=6ecff6]"Maybe don't start off your question with 'Dunno'? The answer to those questions, by the by, is up to you, no, yes, yellow."[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Ah, okay. And uh, s-sorry about that."[/color] The boy sheepishly glanced away at the jab of him using the wrong words. [color=7F2A3C]"Don't have a favorite color myself. I just go with whatever doesn't make me look stupid. What do you do job wise?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"I'm a freelancer."[/color] A pause to fish for a reaction. [Color=7F2A3C]"...Really?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"In graphic design."[/color] She shrugged. [color=6ecff6]"Though it's not going off yet, so that's why I freelancer Esper-wise on the side."[/color] He tilted his head. [color=7F2A3C]"Graphic design, huh? Maybe you can show me some examples later?"[/color] he asked. Klava shook her head, then dipped down to finish the remainder of her panna cotta. [color=6ecff6]"Naw, I prefer to keep my professions separate. Gets weird otherwise."[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Got it."[/color] Fable was still a bit curious, but he'd just shrug it off. It'd be rude to insist. [color=6ecff6]"Mm, good."[/color] It wasn't certain whether Klava was referring to his response or to the last bite of her dessert. [color=6ecff6]"Well then, I shall be departing to my evening activities now. Thank you for inviting me to this [i]lovely[/i] establishment, Fable."[/color] [color=7F2A3C]"Well, couldn't let our rewards go to waste, could I?"[/color] The boy smiled. [color=7F2A3C]"Let me know if something comes up."[/color] She picked up her bags and winked. [color=6ecff6]"Only if I can't handle it."[/color]