[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 860 (+6) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]////////////////// (55/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Train [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”Next time do something rather than freeze up and I won’t need to be your knight in shiny armor next time. It just isn't my style”[/color] she told Tora even as she patted him on the shoulder reassuringly before adjusting her tact [color=Aquamarine]”... I mean, your welcome”[/color] before turning her attention to the pole of blinky lights and warning text on the screens Tora had been monitoring. [color=Aquamarine]”Well that doesn’t look good. Going to go make sure it doesn't get worse. Stay safe Tora, and try not to need saving again!”[/color] Midna told him as she excused herself and then slipped around Poppie as the bot returned to her maker's side with a [color=Aquamarine]”Hi. Thanks for finding out those things exploded. Bye”[/color] and returning to the fray just in time to help the last bit of cleanup by copying Raz’s clever idea of returning the bombs to sender. That little plan found her yelling [color=Aquamarine]”I think you dropped this!”[/color] while using her shadow hand to hurl one of the bombs in an overhead swing that would give a baseball pitcher a run for their money. It soared forth, slapped into the weak spot and detonated in a fiery explosion. A few moments later the spot finally cracked under pressure, bursting out and showering the sand with gore [color=Aquamarine]”ew, that’s disgusting”[/color] and leaving it open for the cannon to fire in its second shot, this one striking the softened up spot with unfathomable fury and tearing open a titanic hole in the side of the ugly bug. [color=Aquamarine]”How do you like that, you oversized maggot?”[/color] Midna taunted it, her words being drowned out by the ongoddessly loud scream the Akrid was letting out in response to its wound. Unfortunately Galeem’s influence ensured that this (seemingly) grievous injury wasn’t going to get the beast to back down. In-fact it seemed to only make it angrier and more aggressive if anything, the semi standoff they had had racing side by side ending as it swerved towards them. Seeing this incoming the princess wrapped her limbs tight around her wolfos and then grabbed a banister with her shadow hand but that turned out to be unnecessary as the impact was more a push than a slam. Not that the gradual train tipping it was enacting wasn't bad in its own way. You didn't have to be a genius or have knowledge of trains to know that having it fall over while moving at the kind of speed they were was not going to end well for them. They couldn't just shoot it either, because while there was still a shell in the feeder slot, the process of loading it and charging it up had not been started. Only Tora’s plan of hitting its spine looked like it was going to get them a chance. [color=Aquamarine]”Get that shot loaded!”[/color] she shouted at the rest of the gun crew while she pulled out the hulking Clubba Club from the twilight realm. Holding it in all three of her hands she began to charge it with lightning while floating slowly upwards off of her mount’s back. [color=Aquamarine]”I’ll help encourage it off of us!”[/color] she announced, at which point she summoned a supersized vibrava from a portal. The twilight beast grabbed her in its legs and buzzed upwards at an intense speed towards the gap in the massive monster’s armor, bringing her and her oversized weapon with it. Then they flashed past the opening, rising higher and higher above it, the vibrava letting out a torrent of purple flaming dragon breath to scorch the exposed interior as it rose. Finally the vibrava’s time ran out and it returned to the twilight realm, leaving the princess to plunge down towards the exposed spine with her wreckingball of a weapon. [color=Aquamarine]”Look out below”[/color] she yelled as the wind rushed past her, before swinging the oversized weapon with both mortal and magical limbs and delivering a bone shaking hammer-blow to the spine. Then a heartbeat later it was followed by a massive bolt of teal lightning hammer down in front of the impact site, zapping the spine nice and good. She sent the mace back to the twilight realm rather than trying to swing again while she shook her arms, having jarred them pretty badly in the process of her strike from the drop. Rather than stay put she gave the spine a wound up shadow hand punch, letting the recoil affect her just enough to launch herself clear of the gaping hole. [color=Aquamarine]”I’ve got to go, but here, have this!”[/color] As a parting gift, she launched her super sized shadow mimic at it from another portal, the massive trapped chest flying at the spine jaws open. The chest’s rim slammed into its target and then its lid snapped shut around it, the mimic delivering an all mighty bite to the beast before it vanished back home quickly as it had arrived. [color=Aquamarine]”Who’s next to take a crack at breaking its back?!”[/color] the princess asked loudly as she dropped down to land atop her steed’s back once more, the whole combo having taken only about a handful seconds all in all.