[Center][h2]Benea[/h2][/center] "Of course." Benea's eyes softened on Monica, her smile crinkling the edges of her visage. She gave Monica's hand a gentle pat. "How could I be anything but your sister?" Turning from Monica and looking up at the node, Benea pinched her chin in thought — a small wince in her eye as her sight passed over Eleanna. "Xavier is correct in his assessment. This node should remain neutral until further discussion can be had, though I cannot simply stay here and wait until then." Benea turned to Monica, as if she had the answer. “Perhaps a guardian? I think that’s a wonderful idea…” With a snap of her fingers, the ground began to shake and swell around the node. The snap resounded in the air, as if commanding whatever was shaking the ground to hurry up and then all at once, a great figure burst from the valley floor. It was large, much larger than any of the gods, and had a body covered in cream colored scales that gave it a naked appearance. Chunks of stone were caught in the spines that poked from its armored hide. In total, the beast was one of four legs and a tail as long as its neck — or necks. Three necks stretched from the broad body, each topped with a snake-like face with rows of teeth that stabbed out from its lips, giving its mouths the image of a saw. Each eye was bright and intelligent, though uneasily filled with violent energy — up until it looked down upon Benea. The beast as big as a hill seemed to soften at the sight of its creator, simpering into the demeanor of a puppy. Greedily it bowed the nuzzle of its three snake-faces close to the goddess’ hand in hopes to be touched, and Benea obliged. Placing a hand flat on the snout of the middle head, Benea cooed. “I think this fellow will do the job justice. Indiscriminate and noble, he will guard the node. Won’t you?” A forked tongue flickered from the maw of the beast, as if agreeing with Benea and the goddess smiled. “That’s a good Hydra. Keep this cradle of life safe for the sake of order, won’t you?” Another flicker and Benea tapped her hand against the snout again before turning to Anak’thas. “But thus, the time I can spend here is coming to an end. We have a world to organize, and I think I might enjoy your company if you meant your words truly. Shall you come with me?” Her eyes darted to Monica right after. “And you?” Benea leaned her hand on the node, resetting Eleanna’s work as she looked past Monica to also address Xavier and then Dzillatsunya. “Or you?” [hider=Summary]Benea assures Monica that they are in fact close sisters and then Benea agrees with Xavier to keep node 18 neutral and so she creates the Hydra to protect the neutrality before offering Anak’thas and a few others a chance to leave the node with her[/hider] [hider=might] 4 spent on Hydra, the hydra — 1 point remaining[/hider]