[color=darkgray][center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/KcJygoU.png[/IMG][/center][hr][B][COLOR=GOLD]Location:[/color][/b] Ruined City [b][color=gold]Interactions:[/color][/b] Lys [@Force and Fury] [b][color=gold]Mentions:[/color][/b] Akaia [@Exit], Cerise [@Medili][hr] Erik gave a mock salute towards Cerise and Akaia as they both walked through the doors of the music store. He had expected the other to come barreling through a few moments later, or at least that’s what he amusingly pictured in his head. His attention left the door and focused on the only person in his company. Lys. He was always happy to interact with any member of the Commune but Lys was probably the person he spent the most time with during any given day he spent at home. Talking, tinkering, and training. Three Ts, yet only one of those was the foundation of their friendship. [color=gold]“We might have to give Akaia something for this! I mean, I’ve probably overlooked this place once or twice during my few runs.”[/color] Erik chuckled beneath his mask as he strolled over to Lys and leaned against the closest shelf to her and crossed his arms over his chest. [color=gold]“And I have to give you something too. Somethings? Yeah.”[/color] His tone lost some of its warmth. [color=gold]“An apology and an explanation.”[/color] An apology for dismissing her wariness and an explanation of Akaia’s cryptic warning. Erik knew Lys well enough to know the latter likely bothered her much more than the former. And like any problem he identified, he’d address it and attempt to fix it. [/color]