[color=54aad8][h1]𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕟 ℕ𝕖𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕖[/h1] Unit Chief[/color] [hr] Chief Neagoe was not aware that he was giving Special Agent Stannis a look, and he probably wouldn’t know unless she brought it to his attention. Being in his own world, he was caught up in his thoughts about this whole case and everyone on it, or supposed to be on it. [i]Sir[/i] Glancing at SSA Stannis, he appeared tired in a way, “[color=54aad8]Yes? [/color]” he questioned in a deep voice that had the echo of patience in it. He knew she had something to say about the case since her tone of voice changed from the friendly mom to the semi-serious and thoughtful agent she was. Thinking only for a second or two before replying, “[color=54aad8]That is a theory we will want to look into. I wonder if the medical examiner knows the cause of the lacerations or if this is still unknown,[/color]” he mentioned his thoughts about the medical examiner. There could be evidence of material that could lead them to the assumption of straps or bindings to be used. [hr] [center]Medical Examiner, earlier that day[/center] The medical examiner at the Milwaukee police station gave their assumption on what could be seen by the eye. Dr. Bob Farley was the medical examiner for this station and he found a lot of important and not-so-important evidence as to who this unsub might be. Faxing the file to Chief Neagoe earlier that day was probably the best they could do in the situation while letting the medical examiner dig up more information. While examining the bodies, Dr. Farley found out that the women were drowned, the cause of death? No, the cause of death was most likely the lack of blood from the lacerations on the wrists. Both women had an extremely low amount of blood in their system showing that they were drained to death. Dr. Farley would assume that the women were drained to death of their blood before being merged into water which filled their lungs. Why would someone kill another person like this? This all happened after the multiple assaults on both women and at least holding them for 48 hours. Once the team got to the Milwaukee station, whoever went to see the medical examiner would find the older man working on the second body. He was thoroughly going over the bodies at least twice to make sure he had gotten everything that he could to help the unit. [hr] Grabbing the file again, Lucian could not help himself, he needed to look into it again to try and make more assumptions. Stannis caused a spark and he needed to figure out if her theory was getting at something. Lacerations not only on the wrists but ankles as well. Both women were dropped off in public, easy access locations at night. Both women shared petiteness. Either this was a woman attacking other women, doubtful, so they had to be dealing with someone that had to have strength issues. “[color=54aad8]Either our unsub is lacking in strength or he is handicapped in some way. He is dropping his victims off in easy access locations, they are both petite, and, as Samantha mentioned, they have lacerations on their wrists that could be an indication of needing help on restraining them,[/color]” Lucian stated to the team while glancing down at the file. Over the single speaker in the plane, the pilot decided to pitch in and inform everyone that the plane was landing in 15 minutes. That he would appreciate everyone staying seated till further notice. [hr] [center] Someone help me! [/center] Unknowing to the police department and the agents who were on their way to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The unsub was already at their twisted game, another petite woman was strapped down to the bed. Already having to go through the brutal process of what this unsub has done to past victims. An unknown man walked into the darkened room, “[b]Shhh. Shh. If you scream any louder, I am going to have to cut out your tongue.[/b]” he told the woman who was surprisingly younger than the first two victims. His first two were at least above the age of 30 to 35 and she was no more than 25 years old. Though, she shared a petite body, lush blonde curls, and blue eyes. Instantly biting on her own tongue, she tried to not cry in this situation, but she couldn’t help it. “[b]Please, let me go.[/b]” she asked and barely to the end of her sentence, the unsub grabbed a breakable item in the room before throwing it onto the ground. Causing the item to shatter into pieces. She couldn’t help herself but scream. “[b]What did I tell you about screaming and asking me to let you go!?[/b]” he shouted. She began to repeatedly apologize and promise not to do it again. The unknown girl was trying to adapt to what her captor wanted. [hr] [center][color=f78103][h1] ҉Ray҉ ҉Hoffman҉[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] Ray and Darin were back in Quantico, fiddling in Ray’s little ‘office’, and his computers were booted up. Listening to the other agent explain the details of the case, he nodded his head, “[color=f78103]Mhm…mhm…[/color]” nodding his head to let Darin know he was trying his best to give his full undivided attention. “[color=f78103]So, I think you’re saying that I should be looking for cases that include petite, blondes, who have lacerations around their joints but are not limited to these factors. This means I should be searching for similar cases in Milwaukee. Got it.[/color]” Was Ray overstepping? Did he really listen to everything that Darin had to say and was he on the right path to find any past evidence that could lead to such an unsub? Ray began to start his search for past Jane Doe or cases that were extremely similar to this one in the surrounding area. If he found nothing, he would end up searching a broader area before coming to the conclusion that the unsub might be beginning his hunts and rituals. [hr] Mentions: [@dwyer austin] [@Artemis Arts][@evierose][@Lord Wraith]