[@ThisIsFine] Here's the known information about my character. If we're going to be discussing the major plot points then I think a discord might be worth it, even if its a small group. Doesn't need to be a full server, a group DM would work. [hider=Kitsune] [hider=Appearance][center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ci43mX-VEAIVWTp.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Mask][center][img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/BmoAAOSwsXpdAQPi/s-l400.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Akeno Kudo is something of an unknown when it comes to Chicago’s heroes. Most people wouldn’t even know she existed and even for those aware of her she would fly under the radar compared to flashier, more well-known heroes. She doesn’t have attention grabbing powers, she hasn’t dealt with any major incidents or appeared much in the news, she doesn’t even have a proper costume; her public presence is mostly limited to a few eye witness accounts from people she has helped and a small number of hastily filmed videos online. What is known is this; she operates almost exclusively at night, mostly responds to crimes that are already in progress, preventing the act and then calling the police to deal with the clean-up, she knows how to fight skilfully, and she doesn’t speak much if at all during her appearances. Aside from this, her ‘costume’ is made up of clothing that would look more at home in a gym than on a hero, albeit all in white, and she wears a red and white kitsune mask to hide her identity. It would be easy to come to the conclusion that she isn’t a hero at all, rather a common vigilante who thought to put on a mask, were it not for the fact that she [i]does[/i] have powers, as evidenced by the burn marks on the people she fights and the witness accounts of how the air around her is searing hot at times. All in all, she mostly just comes across as a young woman with a power who decided to start fighting crime; though there are some that take her lack of speech, all white clothing and random appearances to instead speculate that she is some kind of spirit, appearing and disappearing when she is needed. She has a small following online, a few people enamoured with the mystery of her who look forward to any new sightings, but since she hasn’t publically announced her presence as a hero she remains something of an urban legend. They didn’t even name themselves, instead being granted a name by the media and people online based off of the mask she wears; Kitsune. [/hider]