Dark dreams lay heavy in Andromeda's mind. It had been that way since her curiosity had caused her to open the Tome of Blinding shadows. It had seemed an innocent enough curiosity at the time, a crime to be sure, the Forbidden Tomes were, by definition, forbidden, but where was the harm. The content of the book itself had seemed innocuous at the time, dense and turgid perhaps but not evil per se. It was only now, in her dreams, that her mind seemed to be able to unpack the layers of metaphor and allegory. In her dream she walked amidst towering pages that stretched up to the heavens. The sky above crackled with purplish flashes, like distant heat lightning, the letters on the pages, each four feet tall, seemed to glisten as though the ink had just been laid down, shimmering slightly with the odd wyrd light. She tried to make sense of the words, but although some part of her felt understanding, the full implications of the words seemed to twist elusively away. Andromeda trudged between the immense pages, dressed in a formal black robe marked out with all the sigils of a Librarian Extrodinarii, the heavy hood billowing in the arcane wind. She wasn't sure where she was going, though she had the disquieting sense, that whichever way she turned, she was headed deeper into the book, deeper into its secrets. Suddenly the world seemed to shudder, like a grav quake. The pages ripped free of the ground, like trees being uprooted by some vast storm, she flew into the air, in the midst of a storm of paper and swirling letters. With a scream she tumbled out of her bed, hitting the floor hard and rolling into a nightstand. The impact of her body knocked its contents down on her in a shower of brickerbrack. She gasped for air, her sleep addled mind registering the presence of another figure, a big grim figure in torn and battered armor. Fear surged in her and she reached for her magic, intent on blasting her attacker into pieces only to come away empty, stymied by the effects of the Towers ancient enchantments. She made a decidedly unwizardly shriek of panic and then grabbed a heavy candle stick, brandishing it infront of her like a club. "Who in the Hells are you!?" she demanded.