[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PExzdE5.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=#778899]"It's okay Mr. Dallas... I'm not here to hurt you."[/color] [color=darkorange][i]A girl?[/i][/color] Dallas thought to himself. [color=darkorange]"What are you, my stalker? If you want to talk we can do it without the barriers."[/color] The revenant shook her head in response. [color=#778899]"I'm sorry. I had to make it look like I'm tormenting you or they'll start to suspect me."[/color] She looked over her shoulder fearfully before turning back to Dallas. [color=#778899]"This might be the only chance I have to talk to you for a while..."[/color] Dallas slapped his hand against the barrier, sending a ripple through the wall of light. His captor instinctively recoiled at the sudden noise. [color=darkorange]"Who is they!? Who is watching? You're talking nonsense right now!"[/color] The girl didn't respond to his line of questioning. She closed her eyes, and an object floated out of her sweater pockets, carried by some unknown force. It was something round, but it was wrapped in a piece of cloth. It softly landed on the ground between them. [color=#778899]"I want to tell you everything Mr. Dallas. I do, but it would take more time than I currently have. This is all I can give you."[/color] After offering Dallas the mysterious gift, his uninvited guest began walking away. Before exiting the alley, she stopped to speak one last time. [color=#778899]"You don't know how broken you are... What they've done to you..."[/color] The revenant girl sounded like she was choking back a sob. [color=#778899]"They said that they're going to come for you again soon. You need to get stronger. We [b]need[/b] you to get stronger. You're... you're the only one who can save us now."[/color] Just as soon as she arrived, she was gone. Once the revenant was out of sight, the barriers around Dallas gradually faded away. Though he was free, he continued to remain standing in place, feeling confused by the girl's cryptic words. He could scarcely comprehend what just took place. [color=darkorange][i]What the fuck is going on?[/i][/color] Dallas rubbed his temples in frustration. There were so many things to think about based on that short exchange. Who was she? Why did she seem to know who he was? Most importantly, [i][b]who is coming?[/b][/i] It was too much to take in. Dallas knelt down and carefully took possession of the object wrapped in cloth. It was hard as a rock, and its surface was jagged and uneven. It felt like holding a large gemstone. When his hand closed around it, Dallas swore he could hear faint voices echoing in his head. However, the sensation quickly disappeared. Was he imagining it? He didn't let curiosity get the better of him and stowed the item in his jacket. At the very least, it probably wasn't going to explode. This simply didn't seem like the best time or place to investigate the package. The crew would start looking for him if he didn't go back now. Dallas hefted his axe over his shoulder and began walking to the bus stop, his thoughts filled with turmoil.