[h1][b][i][color=MediumSpringGreen][center]James Kingston[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/MKVmbk8X/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=MediumSpringGreen][b]Location[/b][/color]: Hellfire Manor [color=MediumSpringGreen][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A[/center] [color=mediumspringgreen] "We couldn't take care of all of them, let alone give them all the level of attention and love they'll need."[/color] James rubbed Casper's back soothingly when he heard the sniffling. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"It's better for us to give a home to one and then maybe we could work to help find homes for the rest."[/color] James suggested, not knowing how much help he'll be with that. Between adopting and setting up the festival, it was already going to be a long few weeks. James looked across the cribs and he understood why Casper was feeling the way he was. This was something that nobody could fix. No one could give these kids their families back, no party or festival was ever going to fix that loss. The only thing they could do was to give them shelter and food and love so that hopefully, they would make it through okay. They couldn't fix everything, there would always be a scar, but together, James hoped the community could help each other heal. James' eyes stopped on one baby, his little hands opening and closing as he brought them to his mouth. Grey eyes were trained on him and Casper and James stepped towards him. [Color=mediumspringgreen] "Hey there little guy."[/color] James cooed softly as he stopped at the crib.