[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Agrabah Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] It made sense that Jasmine wouldn't be going with them. If this was indeed her world then everyone in Agrabah would know who she is. Their cover would be blown before they even began. Still, there was a certain tone of sadness when she spoke about the plan. Maddie figured it was a longing to want to be of some more use. To better help her land heal and move past these villainous plans. It seemed Colby picked up on it too, voicing a better thought for her concern. How many others were placed into a similar situation as Jasmine? He tried not to glance at Aurora, thinking about how this must all feel for her. If her kingdom was under a similar problem, how it must feel to be liberating others kingdoms before her own. To see others reunited with their peoples instead of herself. Perhaps it was a bit selfish of a thought for Maddie, but he was certain she'd have such a feeling deep beneath the surface. As Jasmine showed them to another room where their disguises awaited, Maddie hung back a few steps, wrapping his finger around Colbys for a bit. [Color=99CC00]"Nice speech back there. I'm sure she needed to hear it, especially from an outsider. Now how's about we go kick some evil…Wait what's the villain's shtick here again? No magic or something?"[/color] Maddie had wanted to say some evil genie booty, but he wasn't so sure the genie was evil. After all, it was locked in a Vault with other magical items. He really didn't like being so out of the loop. [Color=99CC00]"Ok we [i]have[/i] to watch this movie when it's all over. I need to know what all I'm missing."[/color] Maddie made his way into the room, looking through the disguises, grabbing a blue and gold one who's design he seemed to like.