[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1g8UN9K.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent] Slowing his pace to a cautious walk Siris continued forward while brushing his hand on the wall, keeping his sword in his hand while doing so. He turns his head slightly towards Ashür, making sure to keep most of his concentration in front of him. [i][b]Siris:[/b][/i] [i]I’ll stay near this wall to make sure we don’t unknowingly pass any hidden passageways, hopefully avoiding any possible ambushes from behind or to the side.[/i] Although his bleeding was slowing down it had not completely halted, the injuries however were not debilitating and had the side effect of increasing Siris’s focus to avoid leading himself to an untimely death. [/indent][/indent] [center][sub][i]Siris moves 3 tile to 11-17 and waits [/i][/sub][/center]