[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:00 AM [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color] & [color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color] & [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Various [b]Skills:[/b] [color=DBA1DE]Mediumship[/color][/center][hr][b]The Green Lagoon...[/b] David's face lit up. "So it [i]is[/i] Tuesday then!" he said happily. "Don't tell the others I said this, but sometimes it really sucks to just... wake up and have missed an entire week or so of my life," he complained. However, he didn't want to let those thoughts get him down. He had come to seek out Echo for a reason. "I came to ask you something, though... Can we talk in private? I mean, the others will probably know what happens, but..." his eyes flickered more towards Sunshine and Marrow. [color=#DAF7A6]"Ugh, fine,"[/color] Sunshine said, getting up. [color=#DAF7A6]"Come on, babes,"[/color] she said, taking Marrow's hand as they walked off to another table. Now that they were alone, Legion looked almost nervous and bashful. "Soo I was hoping to ask... Do you need a boyfriend? And if so... Could that boyfriend be me?" [b]Hellfire Manor...[/b] Mongoose looked at Miranda for a second, seemingly seriously considering the offer. "Will I get to have candy for dinner? I want candy for dinner," Mongoose reiterated. "And dress-up gowns!" Casper nodded, knowing that James was right. They couldn't actually take care of all of these babies. Casper didn't even know if he was qualified to take care of [i]one[/i] baby - he had never had a particularly paternal instinct before, but with James... With James it just felt [i]right[/i] to try and raise a little kid, especially one who life had been so cruel to. And the instant Casper's eyes fell on the little baby James had been drawn to, with the beautiful grey eyes, Casper's heart grew three sizes. [color=DBA1DE]"Awww, hey there Grey Eyes,"[/color] Casper cooed, wagging a finger at the baby. He didn't actually know how to interact with a baby. The baby gurgled and raised a hand up at James and Casper, a bit of drool dribbling down the baby's chin. The baby was wearing pajamas with little X's - like the X-Men logo - on them. Stacy X had an interesting sense of humor, it seemed. [color=DBA1DE]"I'm sorry about those clothes. We'll get you something better. You look like a straight person dressed you."[/color] [b]Outside the Green Lagoon...[/b] [color=8E6BB3][i]"Of course I [b]could[/b] do it - except for there's a pesky little problem, Selene has warding against magic users taking her blood and I've happened to dabble in some magic, sooo I can't actually do it. But you can, boyo. As for how you do it - aren't you a con artist? Figure it out. Do the Essex name proud and I'll ensure your mother gets her cure.[/i][/color] [b]The Rebuilt House of M...[/b] Magneto had perhaps been a [i]bit[/i] overdramatic - the Council had other initiatives in mind towards the safety of the island, with the party they were putting on being designed towards boosting morale. Of course, Magneto didn't think very highly of the current safety measures put into place on the island. They hadn't been enough to prevent this attack, not even Selene's promised spellwork had been able to stop the invaders - her Coven had failed. It was time for Magneto to build a Coven of his own. The X-Men weren't here to protect Genosha - but the Brotherhood of Mutants [i]would[/i]. He was a bit intrigued by what Valkyrie said, but he assumed she was a Norse pagan from the beginning - especially with a name like that. [color=FF5733]"That may be your culture, Valkyrie, and perhaps it is what the Council wishes to establish as our mutant culture... But I have seen too many of my people slaughtered to celebrate in their wake,"[/color] Magneto said bitterly. [color=FF5733]"To create our War College, our new Brotherhood, I believe it would be apt to organize into classes of power types... Do you two have any suggestions on how to group up powers?"[/color] [b]Max's Room...[/b] [color=935DB8]"... Is this, like, a published method?"[/color] Veil couldn't help but ask. She could understand the candles, sort of, but the petals and the McDonalds was throwing her off. It was like Max had pitched a romantic candlelit dinner of burgers, chicken nuggets, and fries for Ben - which Veil was sure Ben was probably very moved by, but she didn't know if that would actually help him to use the Spirit Box more. Of course, she didn't know anything about contacting the dead, so it wasn't like she could offer any constructive feedback. The static in the box increased tenfold, Veil plugging her ears once more, before a voice cut through - this time, able to utter out more or less a complete sentence - [b]"-- little formal, but okay."[/b] [color=935DB8]"Shit, I retract my skeptical view, apparently McDonalds dates with a ghost really do work,"[/color] Veil said, her eyes a little wide. She had gotten somewhat used to Casper always talking to ghosts, but something still sent a chill down her spine as they talked to Ben. [color=935DB8]"Ben, what were you trying to say about Sinister?"[/color] Veil asked again. [b]"--trust--him--it's too dangerous, you'll get yourselves killed. Don't do it."[/b]