[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/a8/b5/xHNz9NyO_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] Trypano was in the midst of a face-palm, ready to scold the other who had spoken so freely when they all knew the risks involved. Not even giving notice to the others that they had arrived to a conclusion! It was quite rude indeed. Not to mention foolhardy. [color=crimson]"Could you at [i]least[/i] give everyone a sign next time you're about to..."[/color] Her train of thought ran to a stop as she halted, taking in the new scenery around her. It must of been some formidable magic indeed as it seemed to have warped everyone into this particular room. She struggled to consider what possible spells could have had been at work aside from possibly temporal magic with it's use of altering space itself, a kind of magic practiced only by the highest echelons. It beggared the mind to wonder how it's basic principles even worked. Stranger still it had brought multiple other groups here, numbering twenty five in total. Considering these other groups weren't present at the time they solved the puzzle it meant either their tests were all differently located or else more strange temporal magic was at play. With her arms back at her sides she took in the sight of the room around her with some wonder. This place was a treasure trove of knowledge, clearly the workspace of someone who placed great value in knowledge. She could only imagine the amount of progress she could make in accommodations such as these, the way it'd all benefit her research and- [color=crimson][i]Oh... My... Divines![/i][/color] Her eyes widened upon realizing just [i]who's[/i] abode they were presently a guest in. It was none other than the one and only Hugo Hunghorasz! His was a name all too familiar with her and for good reason too. He was famed as quite possibly the greatest mage who yet lived and his work was widely known in the magic community. It was hard to be a spell caster and [i]not[/i] hear his name spoken at least once. For her however his work was well and truly memorable. At least, in regards to his progress made in the field of medicine. As far as doctors such as herself were concerned he was pretty much a super star. Even as normally placid and reserved as she was it was difficult not to be a little star struck upon seeing a veritable pioneer in the field she aspired to lead in. As such she naturally drifted on over to him as though she were carried on a draft, arms held awkwardly by her side, uncertain of what to do with them aside from keeping them hovering at her sides, too excited to rest but nowhere to be. [color=crimson]"Paradigm Hunghorasz! S-Such an honor to meet you! Ever since I was young I had read your work and I must say it had a profound effect on my choice for a field of study. Your early papers are remarkable, well beyond our time and part of what inspired my research into the link between blood and the gift! I- "[/color] She caught herself. The last thing she wanted was to embarrass herself by utterly gushing to him and rambling breathlessly when evidently he had a purpose for gathering them here, a purpose she would most definitely not stand in the way in. [color=crimson]"... We thank you for extending to us this opportunity. We shall do our very best to prove your faith in us was not in vain."[/color] While she did not necessarily believe that she was one to speak for her group as a whole it was important to give forward a positive first impression. She certainly hoped that the idea to offer due respect to their venerable host was not lost on them. Resuming a mask of graceful calm she tucked away the giddiness that had seized her and gave a formal curtsy to their esteemed host. [hr] Direct interactions - [@Force and Fury]