[@Scarifar][@Dezuel] The...for the sake of other word...well-built girl blinked upon being prompted when hailed by the chief of bullies down as he aggressively saw Suzakura push a DJ off. Well, good riddance, the guy was awful. However she blinked twice at Suzakura's words, her fists clenching at the mention of someone else. "Chinami? Why're you mentioning other girls..." Mina said, allowing her to pout a bit. And then he addressed her in front of everyone. Asking for something she could provide. But... "Uh...not at the moment...crowds." The cow-blessed said, her face growing a deep shade of embarassed red. Meanwhile, Parker had stood with gritted teeth. Not only he had been ignored, now there was that massive bullying piece of shit called Suzakura in front of him. Calling him by demeaning names. What was worse, he was not alone. And apparently that stupid brute of a she-cow that always followed him like well... a cow on heat was there too. Things were looking grim, so he just focused on the fight between the Discount Demon Lady and the pink haired fighter. Hmm, He had heard rumours about this one. A tough cookie. Well, not too tough, apparently. Power of friendship won the fight for the card dork. What was she doing here anyway? Testing her luck? She packed quite a bang, but it was obvious she was running mainly on luck to scrape by. He on the other hand, never trusted luck or chances. From the day he was found out to not be blessed by anything. "Oh my, Dick! Hello!" His opponent said. Well, obviously, he had to fight the she-cow. Like he always did in the orphanage. She took delight in kicking Celestine around like a potato sack. And she wasn't good at stopping. He always took a beating from her when trying to shield his only friend from damage. "Wow you got all buff and whatnot. It's because of the Pizza?" Mina said, beaming her best smile. "You were always sort of a cute kid, but you got real cute now. I mean, I'm sorry about the past, really. Can we catch up like those two did before? We fight a little then we catch up, yeah?" The cowgirl said. Parker said nothing, however, his fists cracked. There was ...something in the corner of his eye. "Yeah...we could do that. Fight a little." "I'll tell you what. I'll let you go first! I mean, you never had a blessing, Dickie." Mina said, suddenly becoming wide open. "Don't mind if I do..." Parker said, as he lowered his stance and sprinted towards Mina. He twisted his body... ...and delivered a vicious mid-kick to the biggest target that was on display. Mina's chest. The girl's eyes nearly bulged out of her face, trying to gasp from the air and pain, her stance broken by the sudden ferocity. She tried to flail, and grab the offending leg, but Parker was already showing more fluid, sharp movements after that initial attack. An elbow impacted on Mina's neck, tipping the precarious balance of the female fighter, making her to become fully prone and sprawled on the ground. "OOf! That hurt. Wait nonono...!" The cowgirl said panicked as she felt a foot on her generous rear... and a hand yanking her swishing tail. And boy, did that Parker have a tenacious grip. Probably from all the pizza deliveries. "Stop it! Stop it! It hurts! Mooo!" She squealed panicked. "With pleasure." He said, as he let go. Followed by an elbow drop on Mina's back, which made her gasp once more. She panted heavily, as Dick, befitting his namesake, circled around her, before stepping away and getting in his fighting stance once again. Mina reeled, but got back to her feet. "How dare you! My tail is very sensitive! That hurt! Poopiehead!" "I think you might need to reconsider having me that first pity shot." Parker exclaimed, as, to much of the female's crowd delight, took his horrible Pizza Time pink t-shirt off, revealing a body that was rather menancingly chiselled. "I hate you." Mina said, before reigniting the fight, this time with a full powered charge. Followed by the most bizarre bull-jump spectacle as Parker, using Mina's head as leverage, flipped himself over the charging bovine. Mina's charge only lasted a few more seconds, when in her confusion, two arms wrapped her under her generous features. "Oh yes, you liked wrestling too." Parker seized Mina firmly, as he heisted the taller girl...right into a german suplex. Probably at this moment, the crowd was getting anxious. Parker slid from under his opponent, as she groaned and twitched in pain. His smile faded quickly when he realized that an arm had grabbed his own leg. His reaction was to kick the fallen girl's head repeated times, but her vice-like grip didn't bulge. Worse off, she was getting up, seemingly shrugging off the repeated blows. "Oh shi..." Those were the last words Parker could pronounce before he was fully lifted by his leg and wielded one-handed like an oversized ragdoll. Slamming not one, but three times against the pavement, as one very furious Mina kept swinging her opponent like a golf stick. "RAARGH!" She said before letting go and panting heavily. Mina looked at her opponent, before dropping to her knees. Parker wasn't moving. Did she... "On the count...1...2... OH MY WORD HE IS GETTING UP!" The voice of someone drew Mina's focus back into the scenario. There he was, scrambling to his feet, badly broken and limp, bleeding from wounds. So this wasn't over. Mina gritted her teeth and tried standing up, but her legs failed to sustain her. Everything was spinning. Too many kicks in the head. Parker was still shuffling towards, balling his only good fist. Mina's legs and limbs were of lead. She closed her eyes for a second... and a loud [i]Thud[/i] sound was heard as a body hit the floor next to her. It was precisely at this moment when Mina managed to get on her own feet, raising a hand. "Dick is limp. I won." She said, in a drunken slur, before collapsing like a heap right next to Parker.