Since we're doing fun-facts... [hider=Saiten Trivia] ~Saiten was not particularly indulgent as a prince. He didn't care about fancy garments, expensive wines, or pure bread steeds. However, he does have one vice that rivals all the others combined. There is a bean that is grown in the tropics that can be ground up and dissolved in hot water to form a stimulating beverage. The beverage is rather bitter, so it requires sugar -- another valuable luxury -- to make it palatable. The foreigners who harvest this bean call it "coffee." Saiten consumes enough of it for an entire family during his late night study sessions. ~At 15, Saiten wrote a book called "The Anatomy of the Rat." It included many detailed sketches of a rat's organs, muscular systems, skeletal systems, as well as descriptions on how the rat's body functions. The book currently resides in the Algard library and has been referenced by precisely no one. This is fortunate, because the book ends with an essay remarking how similar a rat's anatomy is to a human's, and that both may have originated from a similar template... blasphemous indeed. ~Saiten had one crush when he was younger. He was smitten by a smart, kind, and gentle noblewoman who practiced medicine. She was one of the few people he could actually hold a conversation with. However, when he showed her his work on fresh corpses to learn more about human anatomy, she found it to be too morbid for her tastes and distanced herself from him. They still speak from time to time, but only in a professional capacity. ~Saiten has been on a boat once. He grew terribly seasick almost immediately and has since never set foot on one again. [/hider]