"If that's the case, then deer are by far the superior option," responded Seelay, cocking her head skywards slightly. Indeed, the Pandilo was the target that the elf favored above all. Meat, scales, and a worthy hunt for someone of her level of skill. But when it came to other animals, the superior option was always the herbivore. "Unless you are pressed, predator meats are much less suitable for consumption," she continued, regarding their chilly, evergreen surroundings carefully as she did, "While I understand that the townsfolk need to eat everything they can get, if they've got a choice I think most would prefer deer to wolf." Predator meat was often tough and foul-tasting. This made the choice obvious in the silvery-haired archer's eyes. With that being said, there was the matter of the Kyrinth's kin being deer. She hadn't seen any of the deer under the Elder Beast's care on the way here, but she felt confident she could identify them easily if she needed to. Her eyes were very keen, even the slightest hint of blue in the deer's fur would signal it was not to be targeted. "It's not just that, though," Seelay continued, "Wolves are vital to the health of this forest, and there's far less of them then there are deer. Kill too many, and the deer will go out of control until they eat too much of the resources and starve themselves. Kill the wolves who lead their packs, and new pups will not understand how to be wolves and may prove to be a threat as they grow." Not only that, but wolves were sometimes prone to acts of revenge. Not that Seelay believed she would be in any danger from an attack by virtually any animal, but she couldn't say the same for the townsfolk. "The deer, at least the ones not under the care of an Elder Beast, are much more capable of adjusting to the loss of their numbers." [@Rune_Alchemist][@Cu Chulainn]