[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color] & [color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] New York City Defenders HQ [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=#a81a75]Asgardian Magic[/color] [hr][hr][/center] [i][color=cc33ff]Yes, he can't see us, but I want to know where exactly he is so we can at least see our death coming![/color][/i] Guin replied to Pietro. It was a basic principle in any video game - never take your eyes off of the Big Bad. That was how people ended up getting killed when playing Breath of the Wild. They couldn't see Hulk right now, so they had no idea what the Hulk was going to do - maybe the Hulk in this universe had some sort of secret move, like a laser cannon, that could go right through the barrier. Guin didn't know. She just knew she was anxious to not have eyes on him. Speaking of video games, it just so happened Guin's ideal solution was also inspired by a video game strategy: when the Big Bad is too strong, sometimes it's best to just run. [i][color=cc33ff]If the barrier breaks, grab me and run. We can always meet up with the others again later. Provided we're still alive.[/color][/i] That was also one of the downsides of the barrier Lance and Runa had made - they couldn't really tell what anyone else was doing against the Hulk. Hopefully at least someone was doing something helpful over there, Guin didn't want to die - not here, at least. She hadn't even gotten to finish watching her favorite shows! Meanwhile on the other side of the barrier, Runa was less than impressed with the Sorcerer Supreme's attitude towards the Hulk. For all of the power of that office, he should have been the one dealing with the threat. Annie, bless her, had tried to come up with a solution - but instead made an angry herd of cats. Runa took a step back to avoid getting swatted at by one of them, a little impressed with how realistic Annie's illusions had become. She then swung Gandr around, casting a quick spell, and suddenly, a hoard of puppies fell from a portal and landed in front of the Hulk, barking and sniffing and peeing and chasing their tails and demanding pets. Runa raised an eyebrow, almost unable to believe her eyes as it seemed to be working - the Hulk was focusing a bit on the puppies now, rather than trying to destroy the barrier in order to murder Guinevere and Pietro. [color=#a81a75]"There, now stop this nonsense, Banner."[/color]