[center][h3][b][i]Saoirse[/i][/b][/h3][/center] [center][i]Princess of Seanate[/i][/center] [hr] From the clefts and crevices of the mountain, and from the thickets of dense foliage, voices cried out as arrows flew forth from their cover and soared towards the emperor and his entourage. Wind tossed aside the projectiles, what few reached their targets simply deflected off of their armor. [b]"For freedom!"[/b] The voices called out once more, followed by another volley of useless arrows in a vain effort to harm their foes. Saoirse was among her small company of soldiers and simple folk that had volunteered to defend their home from the invaders in hope of abating the vicious storm that had killed so many now. However, now faced with the terror that was the demonic fiend whom possessed the voice that shook the mountain... Courage was sundered, and many fled. The princess and a couple of knights close by shouted orders to stay steady and firm, while organizing a retreat into a the woods, descending the mountain's escarpment along safe paths. Her strategy was not yet ruined, so she prayed that the gods graced her with fortune, with victory, for she would need divine aid to defeat this enemy. What remaining number of the soldiers and village militia that yet to retreat continued their ranged assault for another brief period of time, before they began their descent down the mountain as well, and Saoirse watched from afar to see how the forces of the dark emperor would react. [b]"Come and find us, you monsters."[/b] She muttered to herself as she moved.