[hider=Azar Masoumi] [center][h1][color=f7941d][u]A[/u][/color] [u]Z[/u] [u]A[/u] [u]R[/u] [color=f7941d][u]M[/u][/color] [u]A[/u] [u]S[/u] [u]O[/u] [u]U[/u] [u]M[/u] [u]I[/u][/h1] [i]If you're asking [b]me[/b] for wisdom, you're clearly in need of some.[/i] [/center] [table] [row] [hr] [/row][row] [cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3vXP2Cn.jpg?1[/img] [sup]Art by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/ninosetiawan/art/Kosho-a-Female-Fire-Genasi-889563220]ninosetiawan[/url][/sup][/center] [center] ___________________________________[/center] P R O F I L E [indent] [sub]Age[/sub] [indent][sub]20[/sub][/indent] [sub]Race[/sub] [indent][sub]Ayiralite[/sub][/indent] [sub]Sex[/sub] [indent][sub]Female[/sub][/indent] [sub]Height[/sub] [indent][sub]160 cm (5'3")[/sub][/indent] [sub]Weight[/sub] [indent][sub]50 kg (109 lbs)[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [indent] [sub]Alignment[/sub] [indent][sub][url=https://preview.redd.it/sahdjvtq6mt71.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3c0c1be66c85dae5fc6432315929744fa47c655e]Rebel Impure[/url][/sub][/indent] [sub]Class[/sub] [indent][sub]Mage[/sub][/indent] [sub]Level[/sub] [indent][sub]One[/sub][/indent] [sub]Planar Lineage[/sub] [indent][sub]Fire[/sub][/indent] [sub]Health Points[/sub] [indent][sub]20[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] I N V E N T O R Y [indent][sub] Prayer beads inscribed with the seven virtues of Sharaqism, water can, satchel with provisions, notebook, small coin purse hidden where nobody will dare go for it. [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] E Q U I P M E N T [indent][sub] - A pair of stiletto daggers hidden in boots - One 'prayer bead' is actually full of a solution that burns dirty and creates gouts of thick black smoke. - Her second 'water canister' is full of a naptha and quicklime solution that makes fire almost impossible to put out on whatever it coats. - Armour just slows you down. [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] A T T R I B U T E S [indent] [sub] Athletics: 12 (+2) Dexterity: 13 (+3) Intelligence: 21 (2 race + 4 class + 5) Wisdom: 12 (+2) Charisma: 10 Constitution: 10[/sub] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] S K I L L S [indent] [sub] (A) Strength: 0 (A) Agility: 1 (+1) (D) Stealth: 0 (D) Acrobatics: 2 (+2) (D) Trickery: 0 (I) History: 0 (I) Nature: 0 (I) Arcana: 8 (2 class + 4 race + 2) (I) Religion: 0 (W) Perception: 0 (W) Medicine: 0 (W) Survival: 1 (+1) (C) Persuasion: 0 (C) Deception: 0 (C) Intimidation: 2 (+2) (C) Performance: 0[/sub] [/indent] [/cell][cell] ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE [indent][sub] Petite and darker-skinned, Azar might've been the kind of girl able to fade effortlessly into a crowd... had she been born human. Failing that, she might've even be considered pretty... had she been born human. As it is, she scares people. She is a pint-sized 5'3" of pure smirking [i]nasty[/i] and she tells herself that she likes it that way. Yet, paradoxically, her clothing often demands attention. She'll regularly wear a hooded cloak when she prefers not to draw any (as a fire ayiralite, she laughs at the idea of a sunburn). However, underneath that part-time garment, she dresses provocatively, or in ways that set her apart. Maybe it's something similar to what poisonous animals do; their colouration sends a clear message: stay away. The truth is that Azar really doesn't want trouble, but she'll return whatever comes her way tenfold. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKSTORY [indent][sub] Azar remembers the feel of the fabric. She clung to a woman's clothes. They smelled of jasmine and citrus as she hurried through the darkened streets. Whatever words might've been spoken have not come down to her through time. There were tears. There was the cool of the night air. That was her mother, she thinks, the useless [i]bitch[/i]: made a baby with a fire jinn and ran from the responsibility. The foundling house named her Azar, for her planar nature. They gave her a surname too: Al-Hashimi - destroyer. A few years later, when one had it in her mind to be kind to the girl, to not treat her like her future was already written in stone, that name was changed. She became Azar Masoumi: 'innocence', but the die was already cast. She was born bad anyways, or so people say. Azar is young. She doesn't have some epic past. There are no old glories to revel in and few grand tales to regale people with. She was raised as an orphan. Some of the children were put to work. Some were steered towards a life of religious devotion. The lucky ones were taken in by people with kind, needy eyes and some empty space they were looking to fill. Azar was always sent on some errand or given something to play with, away from the other children, when there were visitors. Growing up, she thought that the caretakers were nice about it to spare her feelings. More recently, she's come to understand that it was because they were afraid of her. One day, there was a sorcerer who visited. Apparently, it was customary for the coven to check the orphanages every couple of years and see if anything in need of their attention had turned up there. She was not taken in. She was not raised. Azar was, however, trained. She was treated with the dignity due a promising individual and, by Arhanphast himself, how she came to [i]love [/i]those people, to crave their attention and acceptance. What she [i]was [/i]wasn't a bad thing to the sorcerers. For every pragmatic kindness they showed her - and even the odd genuine one - she repaid them tenfold. She lit their candles, warmed their hearths, cooked their food, and did their chores. She sung and danced and wrote and read and practiced most of all. She threw her arms around whoever she was to follow for those two days each week without reserve and poured her love into them. Then, when she was sixteen, they declared her sufficiently trained so as not to be a danger to herself and others around her. Their work was done. It took Azar ten seconds to get over the shock. She remembers the salty scent of tears as they evaporated from her cheeks. Love can turn to hate at the drop of a hat, for such are fire ayiralites. She flew at the man with the beard and she supposed he wasn't able to stop her from a mix of shock and maybe because he'd expected her to use her magic. Instead, she dug her thumbs into his eyes and felt them split against her skin with a slimy 'pop'. She melted them right out of their sockets as he screamed. She ran and kept running and she knew that they were after her: 'they' - the people who made rules and laws; the kind who had named her 'destroyer' as a three-year-old. Azar really hasn't stopped running since, from mercenary company to brothel and back, from one odd job to the next. She generally stays away from civilized places. She's fought in Baneghora. She's spent time in Arilqas. There were a few grand months in Qadir until they realized that she was not their kind of ayiralite. She gave her love to a man and killed him when he gave his love to another. She is not currently looking to love again. People are bad at love, she's pretty sure, and she's worse than most. Azar can see the fear in their eyes, but they wait to mutter about her until she's moved on. Sometimes, on those nights when she isn't around the light and warmth of other people's company, giving and receiving, she cries as she tries to sleep. It only makes her angrier that she's lying there crying instead of taking action. Someday soon, she will burn the people who hate and who've wronged her to ash and they will regret it all. She will find somebody who she can love, who won't betray her, and she will love them back with everything she has, even if she was born bad. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALITY [indent][sub] Azar is a dangerously unstable young woman, partly as a result of her nature and partly as a consequence of her experiences. She can be warm, helpful, and caring to a fault. She can be protective towards those who she empathizes with or truly trusts, though this side of her rarely comes out. More often, she plays to type, knowing that most people have already judged her by sight or reputation. It's easier that way and she's learned that to let herself care opens the door to attachment, which opens the door to anger. She's destroyed enough things already. When she isn't busy doing mental gymnastics to justify her actions, the guilt sours her insides. Azar tries to be taciturn, and even considers herself so, but isn't much good at it. In general, she's twenty, angsty, and emotionally stunted. Her self-image is often woefully inaccurate. At times, there is an almost puckish quality to Azar, but it's underlain, for most, by a fundamental unease: one moment, she's laughing and joking. The next, she goes still and glares when someone crosses an arbitrary personal line. The offending party stands at the precipice of violent assault. Of course, if she finds herself outmatched or even truly challenged, Azar is a coward at heart and will usually run. In some regards, she is a classic bully because, to not be a bully, in her mind, means that she occupies its counter-role: that of the victim. She will not let herself be a victim ever again. She cannot be powerless but, paradoxically, she does not crave power either, at least not on a macro scale. More than anything else, she just wants to... that's the rub, isn't it? She doesn't really know what she wants. Hopefully, she'll find it. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK [indent][sub] Azar is essentially directionless at this point. Oh, sometimes she entertains fleeting fantasies about becoming some powerful, respected personage, but she soon sees them for what they are and they evaporate - ethereal - into her unfulfilled dreamscape. Sometimes, she crafts scenarios where she finds her mother and gives the bitch a taste of hell, but then she feels awful. She's caused so much pain already. She doesn't want to cause anymore. Is there completely justified killing? Can she just be 'bad' towards people who genuinely deserve it? Maybe that's why she exists. Maybe that's her motivation at this point and what she's looking for. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC [indent][sub] 1) [s]Every night[/s] Inconsistently, but what she tells herself is 'basically every night', Azar recites the seven virtues of her faith: truth, charity, justice, discipline, temperance, loyalty and fidelity, and humility. It's all playacting and self-flagellation, though, to assuage her own guilt. She isn't genuinely pious in the slightest. 2) Her mother was from a family of some importance, and not originally from Esaad. Azar might be surprised when she learns more about the circumstances of her birth and flight to the orphanage. [/sub][/indent] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider]