[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/a8/b5/xHNz9NyO_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] Quite a shame it was, truly. The idea that someone of his venerability would be set aside as one might a seasonal ornament was almost blasphemous in her eyes. Not unexpected of the leads of this school but shameful of them nonetheless. Someone of his credence should have a major voice in the decisions of what happens in this school, not be forced to sit aside as though he were a worn out beast of burden. His talk of personal benefit on these tasks he mentioned was rather odd to her but she made little note of it. Perhaps he meant it would be a decent learning opportunity for those involved. She certainly hoped she'd be able to try out some new techniques in the binding field on living subjects as opposed to the local cadavers and lab rats they were currently afforded. _ And thus with his speech having reached it's conclusion the die was cast. She, along with a number of others, were to go forth and solve matters that Hugo has seen fit to set them upon. Trypano was already starting to sort through the files laid out before them to get a clearer idea of what it was he wanted them to do. It was quite the odd job indeed. [i]Assassinate the leader? Retrieve the artifact? Rescue a princess?[/i] It seemed like a job more fit for soldiers or spies of the court, not a bunch of students just starting out in their magic studies. While they held great potential to hurt others it didn't seem like most of them had a great deal of background in large scale battle or espionage. Then again, she had only just met a bunch of them. [color=crimson]"Seems like there's little known from the outside on the nature of this 'Pirate Leader'. We may need to learn more about the ship and it's captain from a local source before we can stage a rescue. Any suggestions?"[/color] She asked aloud to the group of hers which may or may not have been gathered at the details laid out. Hugo's offer on procuring supplies stood but in truth she didn't need much to do her role properly. She was a doctor, her aim was to facilitate the success of the mission while minimalizing casualties. She was well aware of what that entailed. While she had never served as a medic in any battles prior she's worked and studied under those that have. She's been well warned of what to expect, even if she's never had the experience herself. She hoped it wouldn't come to that but alas even the best laid plans are naught but the whims of ants in the eyes of fate. While she wasn't particularly attached to anyone present here she made special note to temper her expectations in the event any of them die. It would do none of them any good for her to be stunned at such an outcome.