[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/L4JY57Ms/Leon-Banner.jpg[/img] Manfred:[@Force and Fury], Eun-Ji [@Medili], Carmilla [@Animus], Dorothea [@jasbraq], Zarra [@BreathOfTheWoof][/center] [hr] Leon stood in the massive study of the Forked Tower knowing fully well he didn’t do much to get there. Frankly, he stood by and let his teammates do the work while he just looked like he did. And now he stood among the few that had passed the tests, a select few from the looks of things. Lucky him. But it was still to be seen whether this stroke of luck was of any actual benefit to him. Besides, there was nothing better to do really. Even if he wanted to leave, it's not like he remembered how he got here so leaving could be just as much of a headache. Leon might as well hear the legendary wizard out, who knows it could be a bit of fun. Pulling out an apple from his pocket, Leon took a bite and began snacking while Hugo spoke. [hr] A normal person would perhaps question why a great wizard like Hugo couldn’t stop all three simultaneously. One who could bend time and space could certainly make a joke out of a few jump start assassins. But Leon was swept away by the portals showing tasks ahead of them. In fact, there was a point when he stopped snacking and paid full attention to the speech. By the end of it, Leon was quite looking forward to the proceeding events. Well, one of them at least. Dealing with assassins sounded… too violent, and pirates sounded violent and dirty. But a riverboat casino, now that sounded right on the money. From a previous experience, he knew that was just the right place to be. Plus if anyone could turn a riot into an adoring crowd, it was him. Leon was also dressed for the occasion. He met the rest of his group in full attire with a cape and all. Although it was slightly different from his clothes during the opening parade, it was no less extravagant. [color=fff200][b]"A night on a riverboat sounds nice this time of year. I hope you all have the right clothes for it. At least one of you, and I won’t say who, is a tad underdressed."[/b][/color] Leon continued snacking on his fruit. [hr]