[quote=@OddApproved] Artemis Arts #'s Case 1 = 5 Situation: Mild concussion from blunt force trauma caused by unsub Case 2 = 77 Situation: You find yourself in hand-to-hand combat with an athletic student Case 3 = 62 Situation: Nothing significant Case 4 = 48 Situation: Surprise, surprise! We have another contestant for being kidnapped by the local human traffickers in plot 4! Comments, concerns, questions. Please message me. I find it amusing that both of the girls ended up rolling into the kidnapped bracket, not gonna lie. I was hoping Darin or Ray would get kidnapped too. [/quote] Oh goodie- Sam gets kidnapped lol. I can't wait to play out the concussion and kidnapping (said no one ever lmao). But really I am interested to see how all of this goes down.