[quote=@Lord Wraith] [i]That's right, best start respecting your elders.[/i] [/quote] I might make a quote board in the character section, because of you. Lmao. [quote=@dwyer austin] Case 4 seems like it’s going to be one hectic case. The girls are kidnapped, I get in a possible fistfight, and the chief gets shot. Like damn. [/quote] Well, you have to think Dwyer, this case does revolve around Lucian Neagoe's past when he was an undercover agent in the human trafficking ring. It's pretty much a case targeting the Chief and all of you end up getting wrapped into it. This case doesn't start off going for Lucian, but they pretty much figured out who he is and there will be a dirty cop or two who tried selling him out, getting him back into San Francisco, and getting him dead. Your characters are going to find out a lot of controversial, immoral, and confusing information about their chief. The problem is if you believe his side or their side. These men are going to definitely try and get into your character's head, and convince you that he is as bad as worse than them. He worked along side them, friended them, and allowed them to do horrendous crimes.