[cell][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/e18eb522d8eacf39150606738ad0e5e7/444a0b14667b26c4-b0/s400x600/57bced5e8fa0e18d972b7d2b8ae6e4a629039954.gifv[/img][/cell] [center][h2][color=eed873]As The Sun Rises,[/color][color=5e74ee] The Moon Sets.[/color][/h2][/center] [cell][right][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/6c09dd0ae6900267dfda0470fd26e712/bf3bc7282d504c50-97/s400x600/ceb1de66740c9e77de2cc698ad215243abda273d.gifv[/img][/right][/cell] [right][sub][color=gray]| Location: Apollo’s Studio -> The Festival | [/color][/sub][/right] [hr] [color=gray][indent][indent] [color=eed873]“Goooooooooooood morning Seattle, Alex here, Riseing and Whineing, as always. Wonderful, beautiful, people can you guess what I’m here to whine about today? If you guessed, luncheons that start at ten am, then you, my friend, are a winner. I mean, let’s all say be real, [i]that’s a brunch[/i]. Anytime before eleven is when you eat cereal, and omlettes, and perhaps, a well made breakfast sandwich, but a ham and cheese at ten in the morning? Now that, good souls, is absurd. Nevertheless, until I get dragged off to eat teeny tiny little sandwiches, I’ll be keeping you all listening to some, dare I say, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQetemT1sWc&ab_channel=TheBeatlesVEVO]groovy tunes[/url].”[/color] Apollo’s voice poured out of radios to eager listeners all across the city, but in his studio, only Artemis was listening. She scowled at the sound of him playing the fool. She’d long ago become immune to the charms of his oh so musical voice. When he had finally finished, and stepped out into the room, she’d finished four of the sleaziest magazines she’d ever read, in an effort to empty her mind before the approaching festival. [color=5e74ee]“Why do you insist on doing all this…nonsense?”[/color] Artemis asked, gesturing around the room. [color=eed873]“Same reason you insist on collecting girls like Hera collects enemies,”[/color] Apollo said, striding gracefully over to a minifridge, and pulling out a bottle of sparkling water. [color=eed873]“It’s fun.”[/color] he said, unscrewing the cap and taking a gulp. Artemis scoffed and began walking towards the exit, unamused. Her arms were crossed in front of her, lest Apollo forget her mood. [color=5e74ee]“You’d think two millenia would’ve been enough time for you to grow up. When are you going to realize there’s more important things than [i]fun[/i]?”[/color] [color=eed873]“When the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east.”[/color] Apollo checked his reflection a final time, more so just to admire himself, before following after his sister. [color=eed873]“Certainly couldn’t hurt you to have a little fun though. Y’know how I have so many friends?”[/color] A silence filled the air as they stepped out into the cold. [color=eed873]“Comeon, ask me!”[/color] Artemis sighed. [color=5e74ee]“Let me guess. Idiots attract?”[/color] Apollo laughed. [color=eed873]“Close. It’s my winning smile.”[/color] Apollo grinned then, to prove his point, as Artemis rolled her eyes and ducked into the limousine that was waiting to drive them out of the city. Inside, a young woman, hardly older than the co-eds that often populated his and Hercules’ parties, waited in the driver's seat. Apollo flashed said smile in the rearview mirror, summoning a stern look from his sister. [color=5e74ee]“What did I say about the girls?”[/color] Artemis’ cold voice cut through the melody of his laugh. [color=eed873]“Look, but don’t touch?”[/color] [color=5e74ee]“I seem to recall the words I used were, [i]‘Don’t even think about it.’[/i]”[/color] Artemis signaled for the driver to begin the journey out to The Meridian, the country club that Hera had secured for this year’s Festival. Apollo, ever the optimist, kept smiling. [color=eed873]“Well, I wouldn’t, if you stopped bringing the pretty ones around.”[/color] Artemis shook her head, unsurprised. This was how it always was with them, the sun and the moon. Their bickering sustained them as the limousine wound its way towards the edge of the city, the driver silent in the presence of these two fallen gods. They arrived with their usual splendor. That is to say, Artemis stepped out, [url=https://assets.teenvogue.com/photos/6006f0cbc808161049adf4e7/master/w_2000,h_3000,c_limit/GettyImages-1163759087.jpg]looking[/url] the part she meant to play. She would never be accused of being underdressed. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2c/27/f0/2c27f0459ebec9fbfd4b6edc7c11f661.jpg]Apollo[/url], on the other hand, was another matter. As long as Hera had been arranging these get togethers, he’d been ignoring the dress code. He was more than happy to mar her aesthetic with an old jacket, jeans, and a pair of flip flops, like he meant to flip the Queen of the Gods the bird with his feet. Truly, it wasn’t that far out of the question. They approached the entrance together. Artemis wore her trademark face of stone, harder than any statue any mortal had carved in her likeness, and Apollo wore his shining smile. Turning heads was never Artemis’ goal, but Apollo didn’t bawk at the attention. He beamed at more than one server, blessing them with just a moment of his gaze. [color=5e74ee]“I take it you’ll be able to find a ride home?”[/color] Artemis asked, scanning the assembled gods for the face of one particular Aesir. [color=eed873]“What, you don’t want to debrief afterwards? Rude.”[/color] Apollo was too busy looking for his own mark, but the assembled eyes were too plain. The ones he sought sparkled with madness, but none as exciting as those were waiting here. Yet. [color=5e74ee]“Your company is exhausting. Are you surprised?”[/color] [color=eed873]“Can’t say that I am. The women I meet do seem to sleep well.”[/color] Artemis responded with one last indignant snort and shook her head as she strode into the crowd, leaving Apollo to his own devices. He shrugged, alone at last, and set out for one of the passing waiters. If he was going to enjoy this, he’d need champagne. Or a good lay. Possibly both.[/indent][/indent][/color]