[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/a7d1c6d0d75b0b6a37dd245ba3f48f99.png[/img][hr][hr][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/884eaa213706ae9240bbcdb5ee534f07/7cccb744eeddd3a0-a6/s400x600/30223c216d517f3acd1d3d286338aea0861ac4ea.gifv[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr] [b][u]Warehouse[/u][/b] [i][color=7ea7d8]You don't have to tell me twice about running away.[/color][/i] Pietro responded to Guin. Things seemed to be going alright despite Annie accidentally summoning a hoard of cats that were clearly not too thrilled to exist. Lance was more or less prepared to shift if need be in order to do something, however, that didn't seem to be needed, as with the puppies around a distracting the Hulk, he started to shift back, causing Lance to lower his portion of the make shift wall that he and Runa had created. [color=yellow]"...I honestly hadn't expected that to work, it was just random bit of trivia, didn't actually expect it to work..."[/color] "Honestly, at least this time the room hasn't been completely destroyed like the last time he went a bit crazy," Lana commented, before she walked over and found a stray shirt lying around and tossed it at her father. [color=53A981]"I told you not to try to kill them Banner."[/color] Strange commented. [color=8dc73f]"You could have BLOODY WELL TOLD ME IT WOULD BE THEM, STEPHEN!"[/color] "Dad, just calm down alright? Apparently that's not actually them. Well it's them, but also not them. I don't know, it's confusing, also apparently our version of Lance is still wandering around on the streets or whatever at the moment..." Lana added with a shrug, not fully caring. [color=53A981]"It was easier to show you rather then explain. Would you have reacted any differently even if I had told you?"[/color] Strange responded. [color=8dc73f]""YES, YOU FUCKING ASS!!!!!"[/color] [color=yellow]"Uh... Dad? Can you calm down a little? Please? Though this is reminding me of the very few things that I don't miss with you being MIA in our reality..."[/color] Lance responded. [color=53A981]"Please do calm down Banner. Otherwise you might shift again and we'll be back to where we started."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"NO ONE HAS STILL FUCKING EXPLAINED ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT TO ME!"[/color] Lance was starting to get more then a little bit annoyed with this entire situation, completely and utterly. He took a deep breath, before he basically gave a fast pace version of what led them to where they were now. [color=yellow]"You want an explanation? Fine! We went off into space back in [i]our[/i] reality and wound up getting stuck fighting someone who had one of the infinity stones! The reality one in fact, which inadvertantly created small dimensional rifts all across the galaxy and we ended up falling into one! Fun fact, initially I dragged everyone on this little trip into space LOOKING FOR YOU because somehow you ended up in space! In our reality, Pietro and Guin are on our side, New York doesn't look like a ghost town, but people still constantly try to destroy it, the Avengers are still around and not hanging out in some weird warehouse or whatever. Any other questions?"[/color] he was annoyed, and there was a hint of green creeping up his neck that was easily visible to everyone else. [color=8dc73f]“Is that true?!?!?!”[/color] Banner demanded looking at Strange. [color=53A981]"There is an infinite amount of realities Banner. The multiverse is very real, and it is possible if the reality stone is constantly used it could create the small dimensional rifts that people can fall through. They are not lying, every word he just spoke is true. However, might I suggest the younger Banner calm down, otherwise we still it seems might have a situation just like the one that ended only moments ago."[/color] Strange replied calmly. "Since when did you get the ability to go green or whatever?" [color=yellow]"...Blood transfusion, recommendation, just know what you're getting yourself into if you accidentally end up needing one from him,"[/color] Lance commented, not really calming too much, just taking a few deep breaths. Thor and Klara were off to the side, and Klara looked at the group, [color=FF17F2]"Well... We likely will need to find the others first... At least a more exact location anyway, and then we need to figure out how we're supposed to get back home... And hopefully without anymore people trying to sit there and strangle each other, hopefully anyway..."[/color] [b][u]Frost International Building[/u][/b] Well things were more then a bit chaotic, her mind was racing a bit, but then it seemed to clear in her head, as the other voice suddenly was back, having woken up or something like that. [i][color=CB7B00]Oh, cool, you're back, cool, hey listen, what's the best ways to deal with these guys?[/color][/i] [color=007236][i]Wait what happened?[/i][/color] Mary was incredibly confused considering she didn't know at all what happened. [color=CB7B00][i]Well genius, how do you deal with Speedy, Juggernaut, and plant manipulator wannabe?[/i][/color] [color=007236][i]That didn't answer the question![/i][/color] [color=CB7B00][i]Who cares! That's not important! I'm better at this sort of thing then you anyway, just answer my damn question![/i][/color] [color=007236][i]...Extreme cold or just trip him... Magic, telepathy if you can get his helmet off, and I don't know, never really went against Cassidy... And let me back in control, since I feel like either you are going to try and kill everyone, or get us killed.[/i][/color] [color=CB7B00][i]Hell no.[/i][/color] came the mental response, before she instantly started talking to the others, mainly about Juggernaut who was still going to likely be the biggest issue if she had to guess. [color=CB7B00]"Magic in general is best for Juggernaut, not sure if that bubble you've got there is going to hold though, then again we've got enough wizards around to make this not an issue in general."[/color] As if right on cue, Juggernaut started pounding on the bubble surrounding him. The first hit didn't seem to do anything. The second one though caused the bubble to crack. With each consecutive hit, the cracks started to get even bigger. Klara meanwhile, was preparing a bit of a spell on her own, magic started swirling around her free hand, and a ball of fire appeared in her hand. With one final hit, Juggernaut managed to shatter the bubble, letting out a bit of a roar. Thankfully though, Klara was prepared. "Omsluttende ild," she muttered, before throwing the fire down right at the giant's feet. The flames remained low to the ground, as it formed a large circle around Juggernaut, before it more or less somewhat replaced what Ed had sort of done, as the fire went upwards a little bit, and when Juggernaut tried to get past it, he wasn't able to. "Magic, right, anyone else have any decent attacking spells? Preferably anything that might not result in the entire area being blown up? Since I've got like, one that I've truly figured out how to do, it's been interesting experimenting and trying to figure out what I can do. Which has essentially been speaking in a different language I figured out I could speak and see which words actually will allow me to use my magic. Not to mention, we can only keep trapping him for so long before we can't and then things get worse," she said with a shrug as she swung her sword around a little bit. Cassidy then proceeded to jump back up onto his feet from where he had gotten knocked down, and using the club that he was holding, started shooting what looked to be sharp pointy sticks out of it, which were heading straight for the group. Bethany would manage to only get scraped by one of the makeshift spears, while Nightlocke would manage to get skewered in the left arm from his attacks, while Mary managed to dodge it. There was a gust of wind now, as someone had decided to just sort of race up the stairs now, and he looked annoyed. [i]"Seriously? Trying to keep me out of the party? That is so rude!"[/i] Quicksilver snapped, before he started zipping around at top speed. He slammed Ed into his counterpart which knocked both of the wizards onto the ground, before he continued zipping around the room, and ended up slamming into Mary, knocking her into the large window, causing the glass in the window to crack from the amount of force. [color=CB7B00]"I hate speedsters,"[/color] she muttered, before she sent vines flying at the speedster, and seemed almost chasing him around a bit with them, before eventually she managed to trip him and send him down to the ground.