[quote=@vancexentan] I think I may have written it out confusingly but Mordred is wanting to go to fight the two servants east of them not go to the station is more or less complying with what her master wants. [/quote] I scrubbed through both posts over again to make sure I didn't miss any details, and wanted to say, I didn't miss the part where Mordred suggests going after the potential Assassin and their possible ally. However, be that as it may, Mordred does concede to go where Leon opts to go at the end of her objection, and pushes for them to go southward in Scarlett's opinion for by her thoughts growing more and more manic. So, unfortunately, there's nothing I can really change about the post to reflect that knowledge, since it's Scarlett's perception of Mordred's intention and not my PC knowledge of Mordred's intention. But, I did want to acknowledge your concern OOC.