Hello! Hopefully you guys are still accepting Riders! Please let me know if there's anything I need to change and thanks in advance for giving my guys a look! [hider=Master] [b]Name:[/b] Hakaizen Hattori [b]Nicknames:[/b] Hakai-kun, Tomato, Little Hanzo [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Master of:[/b] Rider [b]Command Seal Location:[/b] Left hand [b]Origin:[/b] Compounds [hider=5'9", 130 lbs][img]https://i.ibb.co/Rvh9hJc/Hakaizen.png[/img][/hider] - [b]Personality:[/b] Hakaizen takes after his father in that he is kind, respectful, observant, and open-minded. He has the utmost respect for different people and cultures, and believes whole-heartedly that connection is the gift of all sentient life. There is nothing greater to him than that connection. He takes after his mother in that he is resourceful, dedicated, decisive, and fiercely loyal. Just like her, he doesn't hesitate to defend what he believes in. However, the conflux of these traits can cause him to get caught up rather quickly, and he has been described as gullible in the past. He's the type to be easily fooled by someone pretending to be an ally, but is also the type to remain trusting of people even after a betrayal. He takes Chaldea's work very seriously, and earnestly supports his allies on the second team, often times to exasperating amounts. - [b]Biography:[/b] Hakaizen was born in Kyoto to his father Hyojin, former heir to the Hattori family and Tiana Green, an American woman. The Hattori family, while not mages themselves, have long stood in service to various mages, and the spear techniques of their ancestor Hanzo Hattori have been passed down for generations. At the time he met Tiana, Hyojin was being groomed to take over as clan leader, which meant taking on a full time role as the instructor in the family's spear arts. However, before the culmination of his training, Hyojin took a personal vacation to take in the world before he committed his life to teaching the spear arts. He sparred with martial arts masters all over the world, pitting his knowledge of combat against styles he'd never dreamed of. However, it was in the United States where he was given an opportunity that changed his life. He'd developed a bit of fame in martial arts circles, as he was incredibly skilled with spears and staffs and also possessed of impeccable manners and kindness. He was challenged by a man named Marc Green, who practiced Chinese spear fighting. The two of them had several fierce contests, both combatants scoring on the other. However, after a grueling, hours-long final match, Hyojin emerged victorious over Marc. So impressed with his opponents breadth of skill, Marc treated Hyojin to a celebratory dinner at a world-class restaurant. It was at this dinner that Hyojin met Marc's sister Tiana. The two fell rapidly in love, and after several weeks of courting, Tiana decided to trust Hyojin with a great secret; she was a mage. Hyojin had previously had several interactions with mages in the past, but they had all been practitioners of the traditional Onmyojutsu magecraft of Japan. The Green family, however, practiced magic that utilized the magic words of the Kaballah. Hyojin had never seen anything like it before. Eventually, he was demanded to return home by his family, and Tiana went with him. The Hattori clan, unfortunately, was not as welcoming to Tiana as Hyojin had hoped. They were unwilling to accept a foreigner with foreign magecraft into their family, and told Hyojin that they wouldn't acknowledge any union between the two of them. Thus, Hyojin liquified as much of his assets as he could and renounced his status as clan head, using the money to leave his clan's home of Okazaki and settling in Kyoto, where he opened a dojo and taught a style derived from all that he'd learned on his travels. Hakaizen grew up with two loving parents, and he had a vested interest both in his father's spear technique and his mother's magecraft, which he had a natural aptitude for. By the time Hakaizen was fifteen he had become a highly skilled user of both his parents' skills. Between his father's successful dojo of Chiyari-ryu spear arts and his mother's mage family, he found himself of ample means. He used part of his wealth to follow in his father's footsteps, traveling the world in search of something, but whether that was guidance, an epiphany, or something else, Hakaizen had no idea. He merely wandered from place to place, befriending martial artists and mages and deepening his understanding of the two worlds he stood in. Three years later he found himself in Duékoué, in the Ivory Coast in west Africa. Duékoué was, at the time, a once beautiful city torn by a brutal civil war. Then-president of the Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo, continued to lead the country despite opposition from the general populous. In order to quell the growing actions against him, such as sanctions and assets freezes from the UN and a increasingly violent rebellion, Gbagbo enlisted the assistance of a mercenary group that was based in Ghana, but was comprised of mercenaries from all over the world. Their leader was a Ghanan woman named Banti Adewale, who was not only skilled in combat arts but a mage herself. Hakaizen met several member of the resistance and learned of the hundreds that had been killed and near-millions that had been displaced from their homes. The mercenaries under Gbagbo's employ were vicious, unrelenting, more akin to demons than men. Hakaizen knew then that his coming here was fate. He was meant to take up his spear and magecraft against the unjust ruler and his monstrous attack dogs. For the following two months, Hakaizen fought in the shadows of the Second Ivorian Civil War, training with the resistance in stealth and guerilla tactics. It all came to a head in a showdown between himself and Banti. She was an extremely dangerous foe, and utilized weaponry that she had imbued with curses. Both Banti and Hakaizen were, strictly speaking, hardly stronger than an average mage in their crafts, however both possessed combat skills outside of magic that leveled the playing field. Hakaizen's natural athleticism and martial arts skill met their match in Banti, whose combination of knife-fighting with the evasive and defensive techniques of wing chun, aikido, and boxing allowed her to negate the reach advantage Hakaizen's spear gave him. However, ultimately, Hakaizen proved himself the superior warrior and mage, utilizing two defensive spells in order to give himself the necessary opening to sink his spear, the Tenmagiri, into Banti's chest. With the enemy mage defeated, Hakaizen quietly stepped aside to allow the people of the Ivory Coast to claim their victory. Very few knew he was a mage and that he had battled with Banti, which was for the best. Upon his return to Japan, there was a man waiting for him at his parents' home. The man revealed to Hakaizen that he knew about the battle in Duékoué, and that Hakaizen had taken down the leader of a group that had presented a danger in an already tumultuous region. The man claimed to be a representative of a group called Chaldea, and that Hakaizen's success in a mage duel had caught their attention. Hakaizen was offered a position in their ranks, a piece of the larger whole that protected the very history of humanity. Hakaizen accepted, joining Chaldea's second team. - [b]Magecraft Section:[/b] [b]School of Magecraft:[/b] Kaballah, Numerology [b]Skills/Spells List:[/b] Hakaizen's magic manifests in "compounds", combinations consisting of a holy word containing magical power and a number. The word dictates the magic used, and the number determines the magic's dispersal method. Not every word interacts with a number, and there are compounds that are natural combinations. Hakaizen can use one of the five following numbers in conjunction with one of the three following magic words. First - Flash. Causes an immediate effect similar to an explosion. Second - Continuum. Creates an effect that is sustained over time. Third - Mirror. Creates magic that is the inverse or opposite of the magic dictated by the holy word. Fourth - Empty Sky. Creates a formless effect, a magic spell that affects the spiritual but not the physical. Fifth - Call Forth. Summons a familiar dictated by the holy word. [b]Gevurah, The Discipline[/b] - Creates compounds that are defensive in nature, such as shields or barriers. Hakaizen's specialty. Incompatible with Third and Fourth. First Gevurah - Creates a telekinetic field that expands from Hakaizen. While not terribly painful, is very adept at pushing things away. 6 times. Second Gevurah - Conjures a magical barrier that deflects spells and offers limited protection from physical blows. 3 times. Fifth Gevurah - Summons a familiar in the form of a shield that floats through the air. Can be commanded mentally to protect against attacks. 1 time. [b]Netzach, The Victory[/b] - Creates offensive magic, such as blasts and shots. Manifests similarly to the Mana Burst Servant skill, albeit much less powerful. Incompatible with Second and Third. First Netzach - Creates an explosion of mana to damage foes and destroy obstacles. Roughly as powerful as a controlled explosive device, such as C4. 3 times. Fourth Netzach - Creates a magical pulse that disrupts magecraft in the immediate area. Not a very powerful spell, it can be overcome by stronger spells as well as spells cast by superior magi. 2 times. Fifth Netzach - Summons an orb of light that illuminates areas. When combined with First Netzach, the explosion produced is increased several times over, creating a costly but powerful trump card. 4 times. Mana is severely reduced after combining with First Netzach. Combination has 1 use. [b]Hod, The Splendor[/b] - Creates healing magic. Ranges from physical restoration to the healing of diseases and curses. Hod is incompatible with First and Fifth. Second Hod - Heals the wounds of whoever Hakaizen is touching as long as he provides a constant stream of mana. Can eventually heal potentially fatal wounds as long as the target is kept alive and stable by other means throughout the process. The required time is tied to the severity of the wounds. Can also be used to cure nonmagical maladies, poisons, and diseases, to an extent. Most terminal illnesses cannot be cured unless caught early. 2 times. Third Hod - Drains the mana of whoever Hakaizen is touching, replenishing his own reserves. The rate of the mana drain is slow, and so potential targets have plenty of time to figure out a way to escape Hakaizen's grasp. 1 time. Fourth Hod - Removes weak curses and provides slight protection against them. 2 times. [b]Amount of Magecraft Mana:[/b] C [b]Other:[/b] Hakaizen's mystic code [url=https://i.ibb.co/cD5ySdz/azoth-spear.jpg]Tenmagiri[/url] is a spear with an Azoth sword as the spear head. Hakaizen uses this both as a casting tool and as a melee armament with equal skill. [/hider] [hider=Rider] [b]Class Name:[/b] Rider [b]Nicknames:[/b] Lion Cub, Persia's Strongest [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Good [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Rider carries several incredible weapons, though they aren't themselves Noble Phantasms. In his arsenal are a giant mace with a head shaped like the head of a bull, a large curved sword that gleams scarlet, permanently stained with dragon's blood, a finely crafted longbow, and a lasso that is capable of binding demonic beasts. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Class Abilities:[/b] [b]Magic Resistance:[/b] B+ Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by greater magecraft and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected. [i]Rostam was known to be resistant to curses in his legends, and resisted the demon magic that had rendered Shah Kai Kavus blind. As such this skill has manifested with a + modifier, representing his greater skill in resisting magecraft that stems from demons or demonology.[/i] [b]Riding:[/b] A All vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts. [i]Rostam was the only rider capable of taming and befriending his noble steed Rakhsh, a proud colt that would allow no other man to mount him. Rostam's skill with the mighty steed was due to both his own ability and Rakhsh's great intelligence, and the pair remained together until they died together.[/i] [b]Personal Skills:[/b] [b]Battle Continuation:[/b] B Able to continue fighting for a while even after receiving a lethal blow. [i]Rostam met his end in combat against his treacherous brother. However, despite his body being ran through by a pit of countless poison spears, he had the strength to pull himself out of the pit and fire a final arrow that struck and killed his brother, finally dying after offering a last prayer and words of comfort to the King of Cabul.[/i] [b]Divine Guidance:[/b] C A skill that indicates a hero who was assisted by the divine. Increases Luck by one rank. [i]Despite never speaking to or coming into contact with God, Rostam and his steed Rakhsh enjoyed extremely long lives, living to be over 600. Also, Rostam's unshakeable faith aided him at several points in his adventures, helping him find water to drink and revealing a demon disguised as a beautiful woman.[/i] [b]Valor:[/b] B A skill that protects against mental interference. [i]Rostam's many tales include slaying a maddened white elephant, a dragon, and several demons. Throughout these battles his courage and faith never wavered.[/i] [b]Base Parameters:[/b] (Rate them A-E. Normal Human (or humans that actually existed) Servants will rarely have certain attributes above C unless their history, or tales depict them of being able to use one of them very handily) [b]Strength:[/b] A [b]Endurance:[/b] B [b]Agility:[/b] B [b]Magical Power:[/b] D [b]Good luck:[/b] B [b]Noble Phantasm:[/b] C+ [b]Noble Phantasms:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Rakhsh [b]Quote:[/b] "We ride! Rakhsh!" [b]Rank:[/b] C+ [b]Type:[/b] Anti-Army [b]Range:[/b] Medium AOE [b]Description:[/b] Rostam's steed, said to be mightier than an elephant and as fast as lightning, and the only steed in all of Persia that could bear Rostam's weight and strength, Rakhsh utilizes his great speed to bound around foes, while his hooves beat with such force as to trap the opponent into a field of tremors, sinkholes, and rockslides, tearing apart the earth with little effort. Rakhsh's hoofbeats once felled a supernatural lion, and as such beasts are dealt greater damage by his attacks. [b]True Name:[/b] Rostam, son of Zal. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=The Lion Cub] [img]https://i.ibb.co/3Rq6DTv/Olga-Haitaka-no-Psychedelica-full-2020438.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider]