[h3][color=82ca9d][b]Suzakura Plagerzes[/b][/color][/h3] [color=82ca9d][b]"That's a damn shame."[/b][/color] Suzakura had replied in a mumbling manner towards Mina, as he rested his head into his left hand, drumming on his cheek with his fingers. He had to do without a drink. [color=82ca9d][b]"Guess it's your turn to tumble, Milkshake Mina. So get in there and shake that- Oi! Look at that, pansy Parker has become papa pants Parker! Holy hell talk about guts, well at least they are still inside him. Oh well, get in there and make him nostalgic! But remember don't kill him. That ain't how we roll! In Kiburi's school of cool."[/b][/color] Suzakura made a fingersnap and winked with one of his eyes, before giving a thumbs up to Mina as she wandered off. [color=82ca9d][i]'Good grief. To think that guy has the guts to show his bless-less face around here. Admirable if it wouldn't be so damn sad.'[/i][/color] He thought as he stood up from his temporary seating, he wanted a closer look on the fight so he decided to walk closer to the arena. Strolling along the way he couldn't help but notice a younger boy in what seemed to be a mailman outfit, standing there with his mailbag and trying to open a lollipop to little avail. [color=82ca9d][b]"Yo!"[/b][/color] Suzakura approached the mailboy, raising his hand as he did, the younger boy quickly blinked his eyes to the taller young man. [color=82ca9d][b]"Let me show you how to open that."[/b][/color] He said and reached over to the boy's lolipop. [b]"Thanks! I wasn't sure how to get these open, I guess it's all about technique."[/b] The boy scratched his neck with his eyes momentarily closed, an awkward smile on his face. When his eyes opened next, he saw Suzakura easily slide the wrapping of the lollipop off and then handing over the wrapping into the boy's hand. [color=82ca9d][b]"You've got that right. And no. Thank you!"[/b][/color] The greyhaired young man said, making a clicking sound with his mouth and pointing his free hand as if it were a gun right back at the other boy. Then the sly guy slid the lolipop into his own mouth and continued on his way. [color=82ca9d][b]"Some guys are really damn hopeless. Whatever would they do without my guidance..."[/b][/color] The young man said with a slight chuckle. He was getting closer to the ring now, and could see the fight going on. [color=82ca9d][i]'Well would you look at that the riffraff is ripped. I suppose that's fair as he is about to be ripped to pieces.'[/i][/color] The pinkeyed young man shrugged slightly, leaning forwards, one hand in his pocket and the other holding unto the lollipop. Watching the ongoing fight where Parker was performing better than Suzakura had expected him to. [color=82ca9d][i]'Not too shabby for a giftless git. But you ain't beating my cowpatriot. I guess I should show my support for the guy. It's the right thing to do.'[/i][/color] Suzakura thought as he removed the lollipop from his mouth, it would get in his way when talking. He saw a nicely clad young girl with curly hair nearby and felt a moment of enlightement. He took out the lollipop and put it into the back of the girl's long hair and then spun it around a few times before continuing around the arena border away from the girl and her company. [color=82ca9d][b]"Bravo! Well done trickie Dickie! You saw that knocking yourself out was the most gentlemanny thing to do! Well done! Well done! Very classy."[/b][/color] Suzakura said in a mocking manner, but it was lighthearted at least in his voice. It was accompanied by firm golfclapping until he set his eyes on Mina, where he began to clap normally. [color=82ca9d][b]"That's my beef twerky! Great work Mina! Now you just gotta beat the rest of the trashtier turnips and our work here's done! Oi! This isn't the time to nap!"[/b][/color] He hollered towards his bovine companion. [@AtomicNut]