[quote=@Vacare] *Like some eldritch horror, tentacles start to emerge from its back. The raw strength and mass of the bear shatters the ice and begins charging at us before it steps into the stone spike traps which seem to slow it down.* There! GIO HIT IT! *I put both of my hands together and channel a spell through Noct. A circle begins to form on Noct many times larger than himself, first white then purple it seems like it's charging up. Hoping Gio and Lily can slow down the bear just a little more* [/quote] Can do! *Twelve white magic circles of decreasing diameter open along the barrel, and a bright light shines from within* Lily: *Materializes a red circle with a crosshair over Gio's right eye, highlighting the bear's vitals* -*Lines each gun up with one of the organs and unleashes a beam of light, each circle accelerating and focusing it into an intense, cutting laser*