He parried her attack so powerfully. Luna had to wonder if he was making a show of force or if it didn't really control it's strength, not to mention the sword he was using. "What an odd blade." The Knightess commented as she quickly sheathed her sword and held her arm out to the side, quickly forming two small daggers of light in her hand. If he was going to throw small blades at her, it was only right she returned the favor. She took some small steps back to toss the two blades towards the Fomorian's face. Her hope was that he would either take the hits or deflect them with his sword. "I don't allow myself to be deterred when so rudely challenged." As her heel hit the ground on her final step back, she dug in and roughly pushed off back towards the creature. In her hand, there was a now a spear of light, aimed towards the Fomorian. It looked like Fio had some sort of plan on how to subdue the beast, so Luna took her best guess as she was tried to aim his movements in a direction, or at least one that looked like the giant blades overhead would bear down upon him. As her feet moved forward, she aimed her spear up towards the Fomorian's abdomen. She hoped that, between her onslaught and what Niall might do, it would drive him into the corner that Fio was planning.