[hider=Lord Jasper of The Lanes, Keeper of Dusks, The Mad Druid] Jasper [b]Race:[/b] Tulak [b]Age:[/b] Appears mid-late 20s [b]Gender:[/b] Male-leaning [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Jasper stands at a lean and ambiguously lithe 6'4" fit with a swimmer's tone and a rich tan. Eyes, glinting like fresh amber, usually affix an sardonic mirth under a defined brow to compliment their Romanesque nose-bridge. Full lips and a mild feminine softness to domesticate an otherwise angular facial structure. Shoulder-length, thicky wavy brown hair of a deep luster that almost glints like polished steel. Shapely hips but a flat chest, and not a hint of a hair ever having grown on their face. His antlers were messily sawn off, leaving flat stumps, though proud pointed ears still poke through their hair, shamelessly betraying their heritage. [u]Equipment[/u] - A dormant ebony shrub, painstakingly tended to like a bonsai in order to grow with a crescent edge, giving the armament the appearance of a marbled black pole-sickle. Infused with their own mana, this otherwise simple piece of wood holds up in quality comparable to more commonly used materials. Fit with a spike at the other end, tapering crookedly with the ringed cores of the tree, the design is that of a highly unconventional 'double-weapon'. - A 'utility belt' of sorts with a few pockets containing several fistfuls of rose seeds, and one pouch containing a handful of soil from Vai-Ralu for sentimental reasons. [b]Incarcerable Traits: LIGHT DOMAIN[/b][list] [*][u]A Candle; What Burns Twice as Bright[/u] [list] [*]Resplendent with the stolen potential of others, Jasper's mana pool is a vast yet finite and gently bleeding source, being removed from the forests of Vai'Ralu. 'Mana' involved has been conditioned to reflect in vitality and does not 'regenerate' normally. [*]Stereotypically, this 'potential' can be transferred by direct physical contact, resulting in what many would expect from 'Healing Magic', though unfocused and wild, more suited for tending plants than knitting flesh and mending bone. Their lost focus has caused such variability in results that it would not be uncommon for wounds to heal into rough jagged scars at best. [*]These days the purpose of this ability has taken on a selfish edge, expending mana to 'Accelerate' metabolism, gradually regenerating damage to their own flesh and bolstering their physical limits as tendons and ligaments seamlessly stitch together micro-tears and subsume bruised musculature. While only usable in small bursts, the ability to refresh their own stamina mid-engagement was a problematic key detail in the debriefing after arrest. [/list] [*][u]The Sin; Footprints Beyond The Line[/u] [list] [*]As essence can be learned to be transferred and carried, the act, itself, requires the action of [i]taking[/i]. Through direct physical contact or 'chained' through another carbon-based lifeform, The Sin begins with the first half of an otherwise noble practice. [*]To take without outlet, to borrow without return, Jasper earned his place in Alcatraz through the violent and reprehensible act of abusing the art of gardening to devour life essence and add to his own the stolen potential of said robbed lifeforms. [*]Lacking in mana, or once mana has been exhausted from a victim, ATP from cells and electrical impulses are siphoned off and reconverted into 'mana' for Jasper's pool. Small as this amount may restore, hardly close to enough to justify the act, those suffering from Jasper's vampiric touch were left as shriveled desiccated husks. Supposedly, spite was reward enough. [*]Though this act was first carried out in a moment of rage, fear of 'A hound with a taste for human blood' lead to Jasper seeing seldom save the inside of an isolation pod for most of their sentencing and trip aboard The Alcatraz. Security is advised to keep at least seven meters between themselves and the inmate at all times. [*]As this ability is not originating from any known divine favor or greater source, the only way to protect ones' self from The Sin is to avoid direct contact. In truth, Jasper belongs on The Alcatraz, as councils and juries alike agree that the perversion of life magic goes against the very order of nature and labels Jasper's existence as an existential threat, being arguably the first scholar of 'Death' magic. [/list] [/list] [u]Personality[/u] What rumors of 'The Mad Druid' that had been disseminated describe Jasper as a recluse, imposing and set with a withering skeptical glare upon their brow at almost all times. Arrogant and quick to anger, it was not uncommon for the descriptions to facsimile traits of a vicious and territorial beast with a contemptuous loathing for humans. In truth, were it not for The Clash, as Jasper came to know the day of the incident, few would have acknowledged their presence. Wholesale condemnation was the only way for the governance of Vai'Ralu to save face and retain the dignity Jasper tore out of the profession. Reclusive, guarded, but passionate for their craft and caring towards life, a moment of weakness and confusion brought about the fall of this otherwise noble Tulak Gardener...and with so many minds made up, Jasper has been adapting to living up to expectations, since. [u]Bio[/u] The quiet days; Jasper had been given over to and raised by The Coven of Gardeners, druids of Vai'Ralu, to maintain the order of the planet's vast forests. Little was known of his parents and why he had been relinquished to the hedge-mages and he was too young to even remember their faces. There came a point in his adolescence where he would begrudge their abandonment of him to the wilds, and it was an anger that was tempered with duty and purpose. What life there was to live, elsewhere, was not the role he would inherit, and the gravity of the responsibility was a consuming one with little time for old mysterious wounds to fester. The role was a decidedly noble task, balancing the respiration of the trees and shrubs throughout the seasons. The allocation of potential from weeds and parasites to be a boon on crops, instead, was a methodical and mathematic reasoning within Jasper's morals. It was [i]good[/i] that trees grew. It was [i]good[/i] that the trees bore lush fruit for villages and then towns and then cities. Happiness found in the faces of others was a quantifiable [i]good[/i], carried out by his hand to conduct the symphony of harvests. When the work was done and the days grew short, every cycle he would lull the forest into their dormancy for winters. Years were left uncounted and all Jasper's life was the legionous voices of his personal kingdom; Jasper's Lane. Something he could not do, however, was what the humans brought to the race's doorstep. Technology. Innovation. A homogenized efficiency that he and his land was sold into...forcibly cooperating with the humans to make neat rows for their tractors to tear at the soil and strangle the trees for more and more and more, every time. Many called this a golden age. Most of those many were the fattened, greedy, hollow-eyes of smooth-skulled monkies from worlds unknown to Jasper; laughing and shaking hands with any and as many as they could sow their infectious laughter into. The songs grew soft as the hum of the beaten soil and torn trunks seldom offered their voices to Jasper who, at first, believed it was a temporary adjustment. Truly, humanity [i]needed[/i] him, for they made this journey with seldom a bite to eat. It was a miracle that they could have made it across the sea of stars, to arrive at the foot of what the humans called 'Eden'. It seemed, however, that humanity [i]had[/i], in fact, brought something. A bitterness and contempt for what was different from themselves; not a single one he ever met, even when they ran his orchards to withers, ever spoke his name. In his own field, where his whims were law and had been so for a century, one dared to call him a 'Walking hat-rack'. Trees were left broken, branches and bark peeled off by the steel arms of their loud rumbling carriages that shook the very will from what Jasper saw as his only true family...and it was then that the songs would change. The human farmers would face bogs that consumed their vehicles, jungle-like foliage to impede the most marched of footpaths, and Jasper's intentionally cryptic threats of the land having been angered and no longer accepting visitors. Signed and levied treaties from his own kind saw through his non-compliance and 'Sanctioned Gardeners' let themselves in to [i]tame[/i] his kingdom...to subjugate his very invested essence in a way he saw as being dismembered and flayed. The Lanes were sacred ground, and the humans would see every root upturned and their own godless crop planted in its stead. Little mystery, was it, that Jasper would be found near the front of the Tulak when the Humans tried to assuage the growing anti-human coalition. In this standoff, after a tense moment of silence, the outcry from his people had Jasper to assume a grave affront had been committed in the open for all of the sky above and soil below to behold. This instance was known to Jasper as 'The Clash', when the town square ran red from the release of pent-up rage over transgressions both perceived and palpable. Jasper was on record to have personally slain three dozen humans and human-sympathizers in their fury, drudging in a public shame for The Coven of Gardeners as he reaped a bloody tithe. Drinking in the essence of hale and harmed, alike, Jasper felt justified in 'reclaiming what was taken from him', as if the murder of the colonists would somehow make things right, in any way whatsoever. Coverage of the event would describe Jasper as a witch, a heretic, a necromancer, for such a crime on such a scale was simply unheard of and fundamentally unthinkable. For a gardener to go so rogue? Surely not! They were a bad seed, left to fester and lay fallow the morals of the whole of the Tulak people. A stain that had been feared as nearing demi-godhood...and ultimately an impurity to the good people of Vai'Ralu which only the Humans and their 'Alcatraz' could deliver them away to save relations, nay, the whole of existence...that one so vile as 'Jasper of The Lanes' could be pinned for the events of that day and simply sent away into the stars, never to bother The Alliance, again. Containment aboard The Alcatraz was fairly simple, after being apprehended by a score of his cohorts with 'diplomacy' on their mind. The details are lost to record and deemed irrelevant. Jasper...resplendent with the essence of the humans and tulak he murdered...hardly eats or sleeps, and is kept within a 3mX3mX3m cell in high-security. Biographical sensors are in place to ensure the inmate is within their cell. 'Food' issued is to be on a strict 1500 calorie diet intended to slowly starve the inmate of their pent-up vitality, pending restructuring of containment protocols. At no point is any living matter to be allowed into the cell. Sensors reading such tags will result in the sectioning of the cell, which will then be flooded with aerosolized sedative and a venting of oxygen until either the secondary reading is neutralized or the inmate in rendered incapacitated, allowing for the retraction of the foreign entity. Sentenced: 700 years. [/hider]