Finished. Although as a note: The adeptness in speech is simply because he's basically a child. I thought it made sense, if not I'll change it. [b]Name:[/b] Tarak Buluphont [b]Race:[/b] Breton [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Appearance:[/b] Eh, I couldn't find any good images. you'll have to accept my crappy drawing. [hider=Shieldyoureyes][img=] If you try really (really) hard, you may be able to imagine him in Skyrim.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Tarak is seemingly always unhappy. As long as he is able to practice and better his magical abilities, he doesn't mind what side he's on. Tarak cares more about abstract thought rather than practical thought, and tends to be more curious on magic-based subjects. In times where he would need it, Tarak prefers the company of mages and spellcasters. He treats non-magic users with a condescending demeanor. He has respect for all magic schools, but focuses solely on the conjuration and illusion schools of magic. While many frown upon and fear necromancy, Tarak sees it as a tool - like any form of magic (although he's never used it). He is also interested in supernatural creatures such as Daedra and Spriggans, and would jump at the chance to study any. While he does not hate conflict, Tarak sees it as pointless: especially in Skyrim. For him, it's just barbarians hitting eachother with metal until they die. The ability to manipulate the field of battle is what interests him, which is why he decided to focus on the conjuration and illusion schools; rather than kill people himself, Tarak uses his illusion magic to try and turn friend against foe - and more. Conjuration is for when there are no people to control, or if he wants to add more creatures to the battle. He does all of this from farther back, in order to prevent getting hit by crazed brutes. [b]Background:[/b] House Buluphont was originally a family in The Reach, similar to the Silver-Bloods who controlled Markarth. House Buluphont controlled Karthwasten and both of it's mines after Ainthach died due to "unknown" causes. Since then, Karthwasten has been fairly successful in it's existance. All of the members of House Buluphont were of a Breton heritage, and would actively study magic as a necessity, as the strongest magic user would become the head of the house. Because of this, nearly all of the children of House Buluphont were content with destroying things with arcane fire and ice. However, Tarak took a different approach. He thought that outnumbering the opposition was the best way to win fights, and the power to control a battlefield was a necessity. Both the Illusion and Conjuration skill suited his needs, while he studied magic often and had an above average understanding, Tarak still had difficulties replicating certain spells such as calm and fear, and summoning anything that wasn't an animal familiar resulted in...undesirable repercussions. Luckily, Tarak still maintained an open mind, and tried new techniques in order to cast these spells. When that failed, he simply assumed that he lacked the necessary experience - which was true, but his desired 'fix' to the issue was to travel to Markarth with the assistance of a spellsword from House Buluphont, which was nearly unsuccessful due to the Forsworn and Bandits. From there, he would attempt to locate a group which he could follow around until he had sufficient knowledge of magic. This was obviously a stupid decision; he wouldn't be able to travel back to Karthwasten alone, and there was the even more obvious danger of him dying. But Tarak was somewhat determined to perfect his magical skills - not because he wanted to become the head of House Buluphont, but simply to prove to them that his choice of magic was the best. [b]Equipment:[/b] . Three Potions of Minor Magicka . Two Potions of Minor Healing . An iron Dagger .College Robes (No Enchantments) [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Mage[/u] Conjuration - Apprentice Illusion - Apprentice [u]Warrior[/u] One-handed - Novice [u]Thief[/u] Speech - Adept