The patch work on the modification notes is donezo. If you wanna know exactly what was done, please look [url=]here[/url]. It's mostly just some small cost adjustments and clarifications, though I do recommend looking at any notes that you use with your esper. the DoCS reflects these changes, so you can look at whatever is more convenient for you. In addition to the note updates, [b]Condition and Logic Gate Notes will be available for all espers over the next operation.[/b] So you have them even if they are not listed on your genre. This will either be cool or end hilariously. Next downtime I likely won't have too many notes I wanna implement, so I should be able to add some of those new features we discussed in the past. Last thing I wanna do for notes is give them some keywords and [i]maybe[/i] implement note speeds for those times when melodies are flying left and right, and timing matters. But everything is good for the [url=]moment.[/url] Operations should commence tomorrow, so good luck with that.