[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772709776295067648/967582818458828860/V2.jpg[/img] As Ozma walked the halls of Marrywell Academy, something exciting was unfolding. With the sound of thunder, a large explosion bursts up from the right wing of the school. An entire classroom went up into smoke as students poured out through the halls in fear and panic, thinking they were under attack. A fire alarm would ring and sprinklers would spray cold water across the halls. All of this certainly got the attention of Ozma and any other students who had arrived at the academy. The culprit would step out from the smoke and dust, coughing and blowing the smoke from her face with a wave of her hand. Her metal arms would crackle with electrifying power to summon a large vaccum nozzle, sucking up the dark clouds and removing them from view. Any flames nearby are promptly put out with a water nozzle hose, summoned just as fast on her transforming arms. [color=silver]"Ozma! You're late! You missed my defense training class, dumkopf! It was a real banger!"[/color] The perpetrator would rush up to the redhead and suddenly tackle her in a gripping hug, squeezing her waist and covering the poor magical girl in soot and ash. It's none other than Valeria Weisenbaum, Charlotte's old partner from her past. [color=silver]"Bit of a minor miscalculation there with a student's spell, but nothing to fear! I've got it under control!"[/color] Behind her, the roof of the blasted out classroom finally collapsed in onto itself and was reduced to a heap of rubble and metal with gray smoke bellowing up from its destruction. [color=silver]"I can fix this! I promise!" [/color]