During the walk up to the tower, Flicker had been very quiet, their arms wrapped around themself as if they were cold... which was odd, since it took a lot more than the average person for them to be even slightly chilly. In truth, it was less the temperature that was bothering them than fact they had just trekked through a forest - areas with large amounts of wood, vegetation and anything that was particularly flameable almost always put them on edge. The general unnaturalness of the forest in question only added to this. Once they approached the tower, with Aura pausing to allow her bird to scout the area and relaying the information it had gathered, Flicker's agitation further grew. [color=f7941d]"Oh, so they're expecting us?"[/color] Flicker muttered, more to themself than their comrades. [color=f7941d]"Great. Just great."[/color] They shifted their weight awkwardly from foot to foot before glancing over at Jormund as the earth genasi spoke. [color=f7941d]"Yeah, we're not the most inconspicuous group in general."[/color] They unfolded their arms to gesture towards their own face. Genasi varied grately in appearance, even among those of the same element. Flicker themself actually looked mostly like a wood elf, but the orange glow that enamated from their eyes and hair gave away their extraplanar status. This glow changed depending on Flicker's emotional status. Right now, in a state of suppressed anxiety, it was dull with hints of brighter, more volatile sparks. Not enough to give the group away right now, but would definitely hinder further attempts at stealth.