[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 7:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=84B4E2][b][i]Angel's Aerie[/i][/b][/color] [hider=The mysterious warp continues to happen of your minds, read on...][list][*]Cass - Cass will not like the idea of going to Genosha. She will begin to privately contemplate how best to destroy the nation. [*]Maria - A twisted emotion will dawn upon Maria. She will recall that her dear little sister, Kristina, is on Genosha. Alive and well. Happy, even. Safe. She never died. [*]Niah - Niah will suddenly feel an extreme urge to be near Oliver, but unlike their natural connection, this one... this one tastes much more co-dependent - like Harley Quinn's desire for the Joker. Weird, right? [*]Sparky - N/A [*]Bonnie - An immense sense of danger and urgency will overtake her, almost beyond the point of rationality. She will not go to Genosha. She will not go seek refuge with those who killed her parents. The only reason she would go to Genosha would be for revenge, to assassinate its leaders. [*]Matt - Matt will suddenly feel an overwhelming obsession to solve a series of murders occurring all over Europe. He suspects Oliver as the killer, but has never been able to obtain any evidence. [*]Oliver - Oliver will have a wonderful idea pop into his mind, one that he won't be able to quite shake no matter how much he tries. What if he killed Raynor? [i](Yes, I did roll for who he would target lol)[/i]. [*]Amelia - Amelia will feel her connection to the rest of the group severed, as if she never knew them, as if they weren't her friends. She will recall another group of friends, a group of vigilantes who defend the Blue. [*]Raynor - N/A [*]Flynn - Flynn will have a horrible realization dawn upon him. He got a [i]flatscan[/i] pregnant. Whenever he looks at Bonnie, or honestly any of the other humans in the group, he will feel a deep sense of revulsion and rage. [/list][/hider] [color=f6989d]"I'm fine, just thought I heard something,"[/color] Bonnie told Cass, smiling ever so slightly. She appreciated that her friend was checking in on her. This definitely wasn't the ideal circumstances for a pregnancy - as a doctor herself, Bonnie would officially recommend [i]against[/i] interdimensional travel. And prison breaks. And encounters with the Phalanx. All of it was not at [i]all[/i] good for her or her unborn child. Plus, now she was randomly craving waffles all of the sudden and Bonnie doubted she'd be able to get her hands on any - not that she also wanted to [i]excuse me, I need waffles[/i]. "Well, you lot are going to get ported off to Genosha, and I'm going to collect my check and go on a vacation," Folly said bluntly. "Dunno about the extra flatscan though, I guess you can bring her along," she added with a shrug, nodding at Darcy. Something then suddenly changed in Bonnie's mind, as Folly informed them their next stop would be going to Genosha - [i]she was afraid[/i]. She knew that it didn't make any sense, that her parents couldn't both be alive and murdered by the X-Men, but it [i]felt[/i] true. And if they were going to Genosha, that would mean going to the home of the people who had killed her parents, the home of people who had (and yet had not?) ruined her life. A mixture of anger and fear came over Bonnie, but she kept her composure. They might have been in the Blue, but this was definitely mutant territory - the Aerie. [i]Steady your mind,[/i] the mysterious woman's voice whispered into Bonnie's head. Folly shrugged at Sparky's request to stay outside, before heading inside the cabin. As far as Folly was concerned, her job was pretty much done now. She had been hired to break Raynor out of prison and see him to the Blue. It would be up to the residents of the Aerie to get them back to Genosha the rest of the way, which shouldn't be too hard - there were no anti-teleportation fields in the Blue like there were in the Iron. "If you stay outside, you won't bear witness to a murder attempt. Perhaps that is for the best," Destiny told Sparky cryptically, before heading inside, along with Mystique. "Uhh... What the fuck?" Darcy said. "Am I the only one that's freaking out? But also, like... damn, she has legs..." Darcy rambled a little bit. She stuck close to Bonnie, the other normal human from what she could tell. She was a little bit nervous to be in such strong mutant territory as well, but it wasn't like she had anywhere else to go. She could never return to the Iron. Raynor frowned, seeing that Sparky wanted to stay outside - and he hated hearing what Destiny said even more. Oracles were the worst. The Norns had driven him away from his home, only for fate to bring him back here. They probably had known that this would happen. And now, their warning that he would never see Valhalla came back to him. He would die a disgraced death, a black spot upon the House of Odin. [color=d86615]"..."[/color] He opened his mouth to say something to her, but then decided against it. She was better off without him. Raynor headed inside, as did Amelia, Bonnie, and Darcy. Inside, it looked pretty much like a rich person's cozy cabin getaway. Over a roaring fireplace was a portrait of a beautiful, well off couple, with the inscription: [i]Warren Worthington III and Candy Southern - Gone, but never forgotten[/i]. On the couch, Gambit (only with white hair in this reality and demonic icy blue eyes) was sprawled out, with Rogue hitting him with a pillow. "But chère, ah think if ah kiss ya just one more time, it won't hurt as much! Gambit has to build up his tolerance, ya hear?" Destiny, even though she was wearing that scary mask, looked like she was plotting exactly how to kill Gambit and make it look like an accident. Mystique was pouring herself a glass of wine. Amelia then startled all of the sudden, looking around with wide eyes. [color=FFB795]"Woah, who are you people? What the bloody hell am I doing here?"[/color] she exclaimed.