[hider=Aurigan Confederation] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yIELWjG8Tc&ab_channel=KeithPower-Topic]Pick up that wrench, son.[/url] Nation Name: Aurigan Confederation Government Form: Federal republic. Demographics: Human: 100% Population: 550 million --- [img]https://preview.redd.it/6pkc1yfj0nv71.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e1390aae2c3878faac67fe6df6dae60ad4995448[/img] --- Planet Name and Description: The planet that the Aurigan Confederation was supposed to call home is nothing more than a cloud of space gas and pulverized rock. Instead, the Aurigans have made their home of the whole system, which consists of two uninhabitable rocky planets, two gas giants, and concentric asteroid belts in the far reaches of the system. [hider=History] The history of the Confederation takes its origin on Earth, then an organization funded by a multibillionaire named the American Colonial Foundation. Its purpose was to preserve American culture and society in a time of imminent apocalypse. Some of the best and brightest of the United States were picked to populate a massive colony ship, and when the time came they sailed through the Gate towards a new home. The colonists couldn’t believe their misfortune when, instead of green pastures and blue oceans, they were greeted by the cold, dead void. The planet was gone. There was no way to turn back, nowhere to go. A desperate struggle for survival followed: food, water and air were rationed, shuttles were converted into mining ships, every bit of energy and resources focused towards a single goal: survival. At the price of herculean efforts and ruthless pragmatism, stability was achieved. The colonial fleet was self-sufficient thanks to hydroponics and the providential abundance of valuable minerals in the system. Eden Station was founded: a capital city for a new nation, forged in hard labor for the sake of future generations. The population of the Colonial Foundation began to grow with available space. Already, more performant ships were being constructed to explore the Aurigan system and find what it had to offer. Unfortunately, the Colonial government had become authoritarian and tyrannical as was necessary to get through the initial hardships. Civil war brewed. Years later, conflict was inevitable. The miners on the frontier demanded the right to own what they mined in the Rings, and the Colonial government answered with repression. A bloody period of terrorism, iron fisting and guerilla warfare followed. In the end, the Colonial government won a pyrrhic victory and was disbanded shortly afterwards due to untenable social pressure. In its stead, the Aurigan Confederation was born. [/hider] [hider=Culture and Society] Aurigans are proud and hardy, righteous traits for a people who made their homes among asteroids in the black void. Hard work is paramount in their culture, to an obsessional and sometimes even superstitious degree. An Aurigan who did not do his part to build a better life for future generations is shameful, a waste of a lifetime. These peculiar ethics have meshed together with the predominantly Christian religions, work being elevated as the first and most important of virtues. Each individual station improves its living standards over time, from the cramped interior and algae farms of a new outpost to the fantastical open spaces and food variety of the venerable Eden Station. The older the station, the larger it grows and the better the living standards become. Even in the capital, which is a place of luxury worthy of Old Earth’s touristic resorts, efforts are constantly made to improve. Everywhere in Aurigan space, all stations strive to be one day as grandiose as Eden. [/hider] --- [hider=Governance and Politics] The Confederate Republic is formally the main governing body of the Confederation. It comprises a Senate, a Congress and has a President as its head of state; a heritage from the long gone United States of America. Even though the Republic rules the whole system in theory, two entities enjoy significant independence from the central government. Republican control is most focused in the oldest stations in the inner system, controlling the majority of the food production. The Rings Defense League is the organization that battled against the Colonial Foundation during the civil war, then a conglomerate of pirates, mercenaries and freedom fighters. Now, it is the militia that guards the Rings against modern-day pirates and maintains a de facto semi-independence over the bountiful mineral riches of the frontier. Where the Rings Defense League is spread out over the massive expanse of the Rings, the Theia-Hyperion Commonwealth is an industrial consortium that expands its sprawling factories on the planets of Theia and Hyperion. Even though the two rocky planets are thoroughly unsuited for colonization, the low gravity makes them choice locations for all sorts of activities. The Commonwealth, despite its wealth, remained neutral during the civil war and thus could expand in peace. [/hider] [hider=Technology Overview] Aurigan ships are of exceptional quality. They are the lifeblood of the nation, and have been the main focus of research and development for three hundred years. A relatively new type of firearm has been developed for the Colonial Navy’s marines: Coilgun hybrids, firing a conventional explosive cartridge and using electromagnetic coils to accelerate the projectile further. This greatly increases the armor-piercing capabilities of handheld firearms, without adding much weight to the weapon. [/hider] [hider=Military Overview] The Aurigan armed forces are, unsurprisingly, almost entirely spacefaring except for very few station-based law enforcement garrisons. Though the League is allowed to maintain its militia alongside sheriffs and the Commonwealth has some security forces at its disposal, their combined forces cannot match the Colonial Navy’s numbers and quality of ships. Aurigan ships are generally small, fast and agile. Armed with long-range missiles, railguns and point defense lasers and cannons, the larger vessels also embark small squadrons of interceptors to act as additional protection against enemy torpedoes. [/hider] [/hider]