Rala's arrow soared through the air. Swift as the wind and thrice as deadly, it struck the guard to the right directly in the forehead. The force of the arrow sent the man stumbling, his back hit the wall and he opened his mouth to cry out, but died before any sound could escape as the arrow punched clean through the skull and embedded itself in the wall behind the guard, pinning him to it. The guard on the left saw this and opened his own mouth to shout a warning, but only a quiet, pained gurgling came forth as the first of Aura's rays struck him in the throat. The man clutched at the scorched flesh of his neck just as the second ray arrived, struck him through the heart, and forced him to stumble back against the wall as well. All signs of life left the man's eyes. But just as he began to sink down the wall, Aura's third and final ray struck him in the head. When the corpse finally hit the ground, it did so with a charred stump where its head once was. For a moment, all was quiet. Then the door to the tower pushed open from the inside and one of the androgynous elves leaned out. The elf briefly regarded the two dead guards in a calm, speculative manner before pulling back inside and shutting the door.