[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4dMorzN.png[/img][/center] Not unexpectedly, their assault did not have the desired impact on the Fomorian. Thankfully however, Niall had suspected it and remained on guard which was what may have saved his life. The Knight had intended to follow up on Fio's next attacks, as he did previously, but the Fomorian acted even faster than Niall expected. The Knight's next assault was cut short as he was forced to defend himself with his spear instead, being forced to take a step back from the sheer force of their enemy's attack. Back into the fight, Niall anticipated where the enemy would be led from Fio's swords and lunched himself forward. Once close enough and hoping to relive some pressure from Luna, Niall used his spear's length vertically hit the Fomorian's own spear, attempting to make the thrust miss Luna by going downwards instead. Niall would then follow up with a slash to the Fomorian's abdomen, trusting in Luna's abilities to block the sword swing and follow in the counter attack.