[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/HDCcvNx/Gideon-Header.png[/img][h2]Dawn [sub]Wolf in Raam's Clothing[/sub][/h2][/center][hr] Seelay's insights, while both welcome and more assuring, were quite strange to Gideon. He never found wolves to taste particularly foul. Then again, he never really has an opinion on most of the things he eats. After all, a Raam needs to eat much more than a human of their size would require. Such biological needs have likely lead to Gideon abandoning his sense of taste for the sake of surviving with whatever he can eat. But then again, this wasn't the right time to ponder about the tastes of certain meats. The situation seemed pretty dire, all things considered. It wasn't exactly one Gideon hadn't found himself from before, although he also didn't have to factor his quarry potentially incurring the wrath of an Elder Beast. Still, of the three, it was clear what his role was in the situation at hand. While Seelay and Akando could likely get the three deer with their combined prowess, Gideon was better suited to scare the wolves off, or at least draw their ire away. Of all the foes he had faced in his travels, wolves were among the most numerous he had encountered. "[color=95A5A6]Understood. Good luck on the deer.[/color]" Gideon responded as he made his way towards the wolves, scooping his hand downward to retrieve a handful of rocks. The trajectory, the force he needed to throw each rock, the place where each rock would land... all these were calculated by Gideon on the fly. A lethal shine could be seen from his eyes as he gazed upon the wolves, allowing the rocks held into his hand to fall between each of his fingers as he prepared to make his throw. And no sooner than this did Gideon finally released the rocks, once at a time, to their respective targets. The wolf that Gideon had detected as the "alpha" of the pack would receive a flurry of harsh boops to its snout as a hail of rocks pelted its face. As the leader of the pack would suffer a horrifying fate worse than death, Gideon would then leap a few paces in front of the pack, utilizing the weight of his steel body to create a sense of gravitas. Quickly, he extended his arms outward to his side to make himself look bigger than he really was before bellowing a fearsome roar, imitating that of a bear. He wasn't sure of their natural instincts inclined them to fear bears specifically as he wasn't quite sure whether or not they existed in this ecosystem. Still, it was quite scary how eerily close Gideon was to imitating the roar of a beast...