The invitation had arrived with the mail. A challenge of sorts, addressed to Danny personally. It was succint and to the point, featuring his full name, an address, and a stamp. The stamp consisted of angular straight lines, depicting a robotic looking face. "Are you going to go?" His dad asked. Danny nods. Regardless of how they found out who he was, the fact they sentthe invitation to his house had certain implications. "Do you need us to-" [color=yellow]"It's alright, this shouldn't take long."[/color] "Alright, just be back before dinner." His dad said, smiling. As the elevator descended, Danny prepared himself. His feet morphed into claws, stretching the legs of his jeans. His teeth slowly melded into sharp points as his mouth stretched wider, splitting open his cheeks. He left his head transformation there though, he may have been in need of a human face at the end of all this. The back of his jeans burst open as a large tail worked its way out behind him. He kept his hands in his pockets, ready to transmute into talons at a moment's notice. As the elevator door opened and Danny stepped out into the dark room ahead, it was almost a disappointment that nothing happened. An array of lights flickered to life across the room, illuminating a metal clad figure in the middle of the flat room. A man in samurai armour with a katana at his waist. Strangely, he seemed to be made almost entirely out of metal. Danny put on his best smile and began walking forward. Though with his new mouth, it looked more like a menacing grin. [color=yellow]"I was expecting some traps or obstacles down here, you know."[/color] Danny said casually. [color=yellow]"Hope you're not going to split into 6 like the ones I fought yesterday.[/color] [b]"Petty tricks."[/b] The samurai said, drawing his sword slowly. [b]"Speed is the only true power."[/b] His voice droned out with the sound of clicking metal, echoing out into the empty room. His katana glowed red and hummed threateningly. Danny stopped walking and the metal-clad samurai pointed his sword towards him. [b]"They call me the Super Sonic Samurai, and I am not without honor. You may wait for your friends to arrive, if you wish."[/b] [color=yellow]"They're not really my friends just yet. And if it's all the same to you, I'd like to get this over with."[/color] [b]"Very well.[/b] The samurai said, resheathing his sword. He his body clicked and whirred as got into a ready position, leaning forward with one foot back as if preparing to charge at any moment. One of his hands rested on his scabbard and the other on the katana's hilt. Parts of his body opened and slid across, revealing a lean metal flame. Something akin to engine clicked on, sending a low rumbling sound into the surroundings. Danny's eyes changed colour, becoming more reptilian in nature, as the combatants prepared to fight. [b]"Let us... Begin."[/b] The Super Sonic Samurai burst forward to meet his adversary in battle.