[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ecMeOO.png[/img] [hr][hr] The Aerie [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center][/b] Oli was happy to be near Niah, and stayed in step with her as much as possible. As his brain would normally try to process the new variables of the situation, and come up with plans for the different possible avenues everything could go in, he was instead preoccupied with a [i]different[/i] thing. He eyes bored into Raynor for a few moments, and his brain couldn't quite realize exactly what his head was now stuck on. Tried as he might, he just couldn't escape trying to come up with a way to kill Raynor, and the various potential fallouts of different methods. His fingers drummed steadily against his leg, and he opened his mouth for a moment, disoriented, but ended up leaning into the new thoughts. He was convinced he wouldn't act on it, but he entertained it all as a thought experiment. Raynor was a more experienced fighter than he was, so he'd need a surprise attack, if he came at him from behind, he could phase his hand through his heart and rip it out, he thought. That seemed like the most direct method that would be the least likely to result in his own death. The bigger problem with that was, even if he could get Raynor alone, it's a shortlist of people who the team could reasonably suspect to have committed that act. Of course, he could maybe blame it on Luminous, and kill her before she could be interrogated, ultimately being seen as a hero who avenged the death of one of his closet friends. He liked the idea of that, still being seen as a "good guy", after an incredibly evil act. He tried to keep as much of a poker face as he could, but if anybody looked at him, they'd see total revulsion.