[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/76msg18.png[/img] [/center] [hr] After exchanging an energetic high five with Dana, Noah joined the other officers in taking a moment to confer on their next course of action, ultimately deciding to make use of Cordelia’s portal to take up position on the nearby rooftop. Meanwhile, it appeared Amanda was preparing to join the fight against the giant mech and wanted Dana to tag along. [color=Gold]“Roger that!”[/color] the sunny sharpshooter acknowledged with an eager grin. As the two Ars Magi ran down the rain-soaked street, they saw Nicole send a blast of wind slicing through the metallic titan’s already damaged leg. Coupled with a slash from Priya’s flaming sword, this caused the towering war machine to topple forward with a mighty crash. [color=Gold]“Nice work Nicole!”[/color] Dana called out. [color=Gold]“You, too, Priya!”[/color] However, their robotic foe quickly proved that it was still very much a threat by launching a salvo of missiles, which shot high into the sky, before arcing down to fall upon the officers and Ars Magi below. [color=Gold]“Don’t worry guys!”[/color] Dana reassured her allies. [color=Gold]“I got this!”[/color] Summoning an array of glowing stars, the golden gunslinger took aim with Shining Zenith, before unleashing a lance of auric energy at the lead missile, her stars combining their smaller beams on two additional missiles. Once these initial targets were dealt with, they repeated the process on three more. In a matter of seconds, half of the incoming missiles had been taken out, but the rest were now getting dangerously close… [color=Gold]“Uh, guys?”[/color] Dana asked nervously. [color=Gold]“I think I might need a little help…”[/color]